Chapter 20 Searching

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Chapter 20 Searching

While Rory was with Tristan on the wine tour, Logan was just getting out of his bed at his father's home. It was one pm and he had a terrible hangover. The house was quiet since his father left to go to the office and his mother, Honor, and Odette left early that morning to go shopping in the city for her wedding dress.

Logan grabbed some Tylenol and a bottle of water. After dinner, last night, Logan and Colin returned to Colin's place where they found Finn and Robert talking.  Logan and Colin were drunk and wanted to party so Colin called some girls and they continued to drink until Finn put Logan and the girls in a cab to take them home.

Logan reaches for his phone and calls Finn. knowing that he and Robert stayed with Colin last night.  Finn's phone rings and he knocks it on the floor hoping that it would stop. When Robert steps out of the shower, he hears the phone ringing. He quickly puts on his sweat pants and pounds on the door where Finn is sleeping.

"Finn, get up! Your phone is going off you Oocker."

"Bloody hell, who would be callin' me in the middle of the day."

The phone rang again, and Finn swore as he picked up his phone.

"What?" he yelled into the phone and put his hand over his eyes. He felt the room spinning. He hadn't been this drunk since he was in Yale ten years ago. He has to stop hanging around with Logan and Robert.

"Hey are you up?"

"Can't be bothered!" Finn answered.

"Well get up. I will be there in thirty minutes and we are taking a road trip to Stars Hollow."

"Mate when are you going to realize that she has gone on a walkabout. Give it up and make a life with Odette."

Logan mumbled something into the phone.

Finn sat up at this point holding his head. "You're daft! You know it don't you!"

"Finn I don't want to talk about it, I will be there in thirty minutes."

Finn shut off his phone and shouted "AGGGH!" He walked out of the bedroom and went into the bathroom. Robert heard the water running and walked to the main house to the kitchen. The boys were in the guest house just off the pool. Colin was already up drinking his third cup of coffee and eating avocado toast that the cook had made him. His father and his latest secretary had left to play tennis at the indoor tennis court at the West Hartford Tennis Club.

"Where's Finn?"

"In the shower. I gather you didn't hear him scream when Logan called."

"No, I didn't, " chuckled Colin, "Last night I told Logan to call Finn with his plans for today. I'm surprised that Logan actually remembered the way you three were drinking. Robert didn't Finn cut down on his drinking since he started modeling and acting."

"He has, but Logan was driving him nuts. So we started playing a game whenever Logan complained about Odette, his father or mentioned Rory, last night, we would take a shot. Do you have any pain medication?" Robert asked him.

"Here take two of these extra strength Tylenol. It should help and make yourself and Finn a Bloody Mary. I will have the cook make you something for your hangover. "

Robert spoke to the cook in Spanish and soon she made Robert scrambled eggs. She handed him a bottle of coconut water and a plate with the scrambled eggs and toast with honey. After he drank the water he was able to eat the eggs and felt better. Finn came in with dark glasses on.

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