Surprise Encounters

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Chapter 48 Surprise Encounters.

Logan and Ariel pulled into the Hartford Golf Course Country Club and drove up the long-curved driveway to the entrance. As they pulled in front of the entrance, a valet came to the car. They exited the vehicle, and Ariel handed her keys to the valet and took the ticket. Ariel looked around the impressive property with its manicured landscaping to the sprawling white Colonial surrounded by hulking yet elegant buildings on three sides.

Ariel pointed to the domed building. "What is in there?"

"That is the indoor tennis courts, pool, and fitness area. The bowling alley, family recreation area, men's bar, smoke room, and locker rooms are inside the white building. The redbrick building holds the Pro shop, dining rooms, and other smaller function rooms," Logan replied as he led her towards the flagstone steps. They walked between the white columns that led to the entrance, where a doorman opened the door.

The doorman, whose job was to know all the members smiled when he recognized Logan. "Mr. Huntzberger. It's been a long time since you have been to the club. Are you here for lunch today?"

Logan shook his hand, smiling. "Walter, it's good to see you. I'm here with Mrs. Morgan-Chase to attend a meeting with the Hospital Auxiliary. I am taking my mother's place since she couldn't make it today."

Walter pointed to the main hall. "Wonderful. I believe the ladies are holding their meeting in the Renaissance Room today. Go past the main bar, and the room will be on your left. Just sign in at the reception desk."

Shaking Walter's hand, Logan replies, "Thanks, Walter."

"My pleasure, sir. We are all looking forward to seeing you here again soon," Walter replied.

Smiling and nodding his head, Logan led Ariel inside towards the reception desk.

"You're a member here?" she asked in astonishment.

"The Huntzbergers have a lifetime family membership paid through the HPC account. I'm pretty sure father and uncle have memberships here, along with Jordan's family," Logan explained.

"I don't play golf, and Jordan and I have been so busy with our law firm and the restaurant that we haven't had the time to get involved with the social scene. That's why my mother-in-law encouraged me to join the hospital auxiliary; even though I've only attended one meeting so far," she explained.

They approached the reception desk. "Hello," he said to the attractive older woman behind the desk.

The lady around his mother's age looked up from the computer screen and smiled when she recognized the handsome man.

"Logan Huntzberger, it's so lovely to see you."

Logan tilted his head and looked at her in confusion. "I'm sorry have we met before?" he asked.

"It's been about ten years, but I'm a friend of your mother's and a member of the DAR. I'm Toni Sheridan. I worked with your lovely girlfriend when she first joined the DAR, and I'd lost touch after her grandmother moved to Massachusetts. How is she?"

"We aren't in contact anymore."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. You made a lovely couple, and Emily couldn't wait until you were finally married. What can I help you with today?" Toni asked, giving Logan a bright smile.

"We are here for the Hospital Auxiliary meeting."

"They are holding it in the Renaissance room. It is past the bar on the left, and it is the room with the red door. Before you go, I will need you both to sign in the book."

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