Moving Forward

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Chapter 62 Moving Forward

Rory stood beside Tristan at the kitchen counter, watching him fill his blender with items for his morning smoothie. He wore shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt since he had just finished his morning workout routine in the upstairs spare bedroom.

"Don't forget that we are meeting your mom and dad tonight for dinner," Rory yelled over the ninja bullet as she filled her travel mug with coffee.

Turning off the blender, he took a sip of his smoothie. "I have a full schedule today with appointments and meetings. I'll call my mom and see if we can meet around seven or seven-thirty. What are your plans?"

Rory grabbed her phone off the charger and slipped it into her bag.

"I have meetings this morning, and then I am meeting Louise, and we are going to go dress shopping for this weekend's ball."

"You're going with Louise? Does that mean I will see you in something sexy?" Rory threw her head back in laughter. "Me sexy?"

Tristan walked around the counter and pulled her into his arms. Growling, he whispered, "Babe, you are one of the sexiest women I know."

Looping her arms around his neck, she smiled up at him. "So you won't be embarrassed if I pick out something sexy?"

He leaned down and rubbed his nose against hers. "As long as I am the only one who gets to remove that dress."

He raises his hand, cupping her cheek before gently brushing his lips against hers. Taking her hand, he twirls her, pulling her into his arms, and says, "Alexa, play the Bruno Mars song, Versace on the Floor."

Alexa lights up, and Bruno Mars's voice comes through the speaker. He holds her in his arms and dances with her around their kitchen. Rory begins to giggle as he sings along with the music.

So, baby, let's just turn down the lights. And close the door.

Oooh, I love that dress.

But you won't need it anymore. No, you won't need it anymore.

Let's just kiss 'til we're naked, baby. Versace on the floor.

He takes her hand and twirls her around, then pulls her so that her back is to his front, swaying back and forth as he hums along as Bruno Mars sings.

"Oooh, take it off for me, for me, for me. for me now, girl

Versace on the floor

Oooh, take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now, girl." * Versace by Bruno Mars

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