Chapter 7 Complications

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Chapter 7 Complications

Jess took the 7:15 am train from Philadelphia to Hartford, since it was a four-hour trip he would arrive around noon and go directly to the Hayden home to see Rory. Jess was now a successful author as well as part owner of a successful publishing company in Philadelphia, called Truncheon Books. Jess began working at this publishing company when he returned from California. In the nine years that Jess has lived and worked in Philadelphia, he was able to write, several books and became part owner of the company.

The Subsect series of books he wrote were now in their third printing, along with being on Amazon and offered as a digital novel. He had a large following on Amazon and there was an interest in his next book. There were even rumors going around that some Hollywood producer was interested in making his book the Subsect into a movie or television series.

The latest novel "Diner Man" was his Uncle Luke's story. He sat back on the train and thought about his Uncle Luke and how he stayed in Stars Hollow converting the hardware store to a successful diner but keeping his heart locked up until he met Lorelai and Rory.

Jess decided to work with a different publishing company and sent it to Hayden Holdings since they had offices in both London and the US. The first half of the book was at the editors now. Jess had no idea that Hayden in the name of this Publishing Company happened to be Rory's family's company. Jess had only known Rory as Rory Gilmore and had no clue to her father's last name nor did he care.

He opened his iPad and tapped the app for his word document. Twelve years ago. when Jess wrote his first book he used a journal that he kept in his back pocket, now that he was successful, Jess used a tablet or his phone and typing it in Google documents to organize his thoughts and stories. He quickly fixed the page he was working on .

Even with all of his success, Jess life was not complete. He hesitated to become involved with anyone. Jess was afraid to let anyone into his life remembering his childhood and having his father abandoned him at a young age. Even though his mother had remarried and had another child, a sister he adored, he still was afraid to show anyone any commitment. The reason why Jess chose to write the story, Diner Man, was he hoped he could understand his Uncle Luke's relationship with women, since he often identified with Luke. Then, maybe he could move on and find someone to love too.

Jess closed the app for the word document and hit the app for his iTunes collection. He closed his eyes, listening to music, he thought about his relationship with Rory. After Rory broke up with Logan the first time, she became a reporter, she found herself reaching out to Jess. She was working as a reporter on the Obama Campaign for a few months when she found herself in Philadelphia on July 5th, where Obama was speaking to the National Education Association Annual Meeting. Jess had spent the 4th of July with his best friends and partners, Chris and Matt, at a picnic at Matt's girlfriends' home on the waterfront. That morning he had gotten up early to work on his second book. Jess was upstairs in his apartment at Truncheon Books when he heard a knock on the back door that led to his private apartment. He looked out his window and saw Rory standing there with her brown hair pulled into a ponytail. Running down the stairs he opened the door. Rory's face lit up with a smile, her blue eyes twinkling with happiness when he appeared at the doorway.

"Dodger, I hope I am not intruding."

Immediately Jess pulled her in for an embrace. It had been over a year since they had seen each other and he was happy that she stopped by.

"Rory, it is so good to see you," he stepped away and held her hand looking at her. She looked good, happy.

"Let's go upstairs. What are you doing here in Philly? The last I spoke to Luke you were out west?" Walking up the stairs to his small apartment together Rory explained why she was there in Philadelphia.

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