Chapter 19 Wine Therapy

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Chapter 19 Wine Therapy

Saturday, November 12

Rory awoke at seven thirty thinking about last evening. Her dinner with Tristan's parents was enjoyable until Logan and his family appeared. Thinking back she realized now that she shouldn't have run from them, she wasn't doing anything wrong and she had nothing to be embarrassed about. She needs to move on with her life, and she needs to apologize today to Tristan's mother and father. She got up and went into the bathroom. Since she was up, she took her shower and put on her yoga pants and her Yale sweatshirt. It was early, and no one was around, so she made some coffee for herself and her dad. She poured herself a cup a coffee and decided to go and work on her laptop when she heard her phone ring. Setting her mug down on the kitchen counter she answered her phone.

"Good morning, Mare, did I wake you?"

"Good morning, I've been awake for a while, " she told him. She took a sip of her coffee.

"Do you still want to spend the day together? Because I called my parents and they love the idea of us joining them on a wine tour today."

"I would love to do that," she told him. "When are they planning to leave?"

"The wineries open around 11. My mom suggested that you join us for some breakfast before we leave. Is there any chance you can be ready around 9:30?" he asked her.

"I can be ready, " she said smiling. "What can I bring?"

"Just your beautiful smile. I'll see you soon, Mare. "

She ended her call and bringing her coffee mug with her she returned to her bedroom to find something suitable and comfortable to wear. She decided on her skinny black jeans, a white v neck blouse and a coral pink and aqua print silk scarf to wear around her neck. She quickly got dressed then sat down at the vanity to do her hair and makeup. Looking in the mirror, Rory pulled the right side of her hair and put it into a French braid. She brushed the left side and pulled it back to meet the braid and pinned it together with a large hair clip. She took her curling iron and leaving the rest of her hair down; she curled the long brown strands into soft curls that rested on her shoulder. She checked the clock and decided she had time for another cup of coffee. Rory looked at herself one more time in the full-length mirror then slipped on her black boots with the two-inch stacked heel, then went to the kitchen for another cup of coffee. When she walked into the kitchen, she saw her father sitting at the counter with a plate of cinnamon rolls and a cup of coffee. "Good morning," she said to him.

"Good morning. You look nice, are you going somewhere this morning?" he asked her when Rory gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"I am, Tristan and his parents have invited me to go on a wine tour today, " she told him.

"That sounds like fun. How was dinner last night?" he asked.

Pouring herself another cup of coffee, she sat down on a stool next to her father at the island and said, "It started out good, but it ended badly. The Huntzbergers showed up at the club."


"Not only Mitchum but also Shira and Logan with his friends."

"Did you talk to them?" he asked her concerned.

"No, I managed to leave before they saw me, but I did run into Finn, " she told her father.

"Finn? Do I know him?"

"You met him once, a few years ago, when I was in the city. Finn and I were having dinner, and you walked into the restaurant with Lana."

"Oh yeah, I remember. He is the tall guy with an English accent that was telling me about the best places to go spearfishing."

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