Chapter 13 Lothario or Romeo

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Chapter 13        Lothario or Romeo

Rory took the folder that Jess gave her. Bringing it to her room, she put it on the desk beside her computer. She went into her bathroom and took a shower letting the warm water pound on her shoulders and back. After fifteen minutes Rory got out and dried off. She reached for her fluffy white robe that was hanging on the bathroom door. Putting it on Rory walked into her bedroom and then went to her closet. She pulled out her faux leather trimmed pants, a floral cardigan, and blazer and got dressed. She then slipped on a pair of black pumps and her blue silk scarf. Wrapping the scarf around her neck, she checked her reflection in the mirror and then picked up her purse. Rory walked into the living room looking at her phone wondering if she had missed any calls. She quickly sent her father a text telling him that she would be there shortly. She hit send on her phone when the doorbell rang, opening up the door she saw Dean.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" he asked her smiling.

"I am," she said and walked out the door. Dean reached out and took her hand in his. Rory looked at Dean who was wearing jeans, a white opened collar shirt, a corduroy blazer and a red scarf around his neck. He opened the truck door for her, and she climbed in. Dean looked very handsome dressed like this, and she grinned when she noticed that he had the top two buttons of his shirt open. She realized that unlike Logan, Dean did not wax his chest because she could see the hair peeking out.

"Why are you smiling, Rory?"

"I was just wondering what it's like to model for a calendar?"

Dean's face turned red as he began to blush. "Oh, you heard about that."

"Yes, are you Mr. July or August?" she teased.

Dean smirked at her and shook his head as he drove his truck onto the expressway.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Mr. July, that's my partner Mac. He is coming out of the swimming pool after jumping in and saving someone."

"Oooh. That sounds interesting. So tell me what month you are?"

Embarrassed he laughed, "I'm not telling you. You will have to purchase that calendar."

Rory started laughing harder.

"Can you tell me if you are holding your hose?"

He glanced over at her laughing as he pulled his black Chevy Tahoe in the EMTs reserve parking spot and turned off the engine of his truck.

He leaned across the truck so that their faces were close to each other, and whispered, "Nope."

Dean got out of the truck and walked around to the passenger side. Taking her hand, he said, "Come on let's go visit your grandmother."

She climbed out of his truck, and they walked towards the elevator. The wind was beginning to blow through the parking garage, and he pulled her to his side. He kept his arm around her shoulder on the elevator, and she started laughing again.


"It's nothing, " she said grinning up at him.

"You're thinking about the calendar aren't you."

"Yes, the other nurses told me that they think you're hot."

"Oh really?" he replied rubbing her shoulder. Turning and facing him she pulled on the red scarf that he had on around his neck. He bent his head down closer to hers.

"What do you want to know, Ror." He said gently placing his hands on her hips.

"How much of your uniform did you wear?" Rory teased looking up at him.

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