Chapter 29 Talking It Out

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Rory brought her messenger bag and leather jacket with her and laid it over the arm of the couch in the front room before she walked into the kitchen. She sat down at the bar watching Eunice spread out the dough out on a large pan and smelled the spicy aroma of a marinara sauce bubbling on the stove.

" What are you making for dinner tonight?" Rory asked her.

"Miss Gigi wants pizza. I can't see calling the pizzeria for a pizza when I can make it better myself."

"You are a woman of many talents," Rory said to her smiling

"One of these days miss, I will have you cooking in here with me. Mark my words."

Rory laughed. "You know those are brave words; however, the pie does smell delicious. Please save me a piece."

"Of course, I will make sure your sister and father don't eat it all. Should I plan on saving some for your young man too?"

Rory smiled, "I think that is a good idea. We just won't let him know I made it. I told him I couldn't cook."

Eunice laughed, and the two women sat there and chatted.

The doorbell rang, running to the door, Gigi yelled, "I've got it."

Gigi smiled when she saw Tristan standing at the front door.

"Hi Doctor Dugray, oops I mean Tristan," she said giggling when he raised his eyebrow at her.

"Hi Gigi, is your sister ready to go?"

"She's in the kitchen. Are you having dinner with us? We are having pizza and homemade apple pie. Rory helped Eunice make it."

Gigi quickly showed him the pictures she took of Rory wearing an apron holding a rolling pin. He was laughing as he looked through the images on Gigi's phone as he forwarded a few of the pictures to his phone when Rory walked into the living room.

"Hi, I thought I heard you. What are you two doing?"

Gigi and Tristan looked up together with silly grins on their faces and said, "Nothing."

Gigi quickly took her phone from Tristan and said, "Ummm Dr. Dugray, oops I mean Tristan, Could I ask you something?"

"Sure," he answered.

"Can you tell me how my friend Sam is?" she asked.

Tristan smiled. "I think if you called her house, you might be able to talk to her. I heard that her dad brought her home this afternoon." Gigi hugged Tristan around the waist.

"Oh, thank you. Dad, I'm going to call her now."

She ran upstairs to call her best friend.

"Thank you Tristan. You just made her day. She's been worried about her," Christopher told him.

"I know how it is to worry about a friend who had an operation," he said, looking at Rory. "Are you ready, Mare?"

"Yes, I am. Dad, I will see you later," Rory said, kissing him on the cheek. Chris walked them to the front door smiling as he watched his daughter leave with Tristan.

Rory and Tristan left, and fifteen minutes later, Lorelai and Luke pulled up and parked in the driveway. Lorelai got out of Francine Hayden's car, and Luke got out of his truck. They walked to the front door and rang the bell. Chris answered the door and smiled when they saw them.

"Thanks for returning the car. Come on in," Christopher said, holding the door open for them. "Do you have time to have a cup of coffee?" he asked them.

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