Chapter 10, Dad Steps Up

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Chapter 10 Dad Steps Up

Christopher called the car service and made the arrangements for a car to bring Rory over to the hospital. He wanted to stay home and finish some work before he went to the hospital. Rory arrived at the hospital the same time her mother had arrived at her father's house. Walking into the hospital, she was checking her phone for messages. There was a message from Jess telling her that he wanted to talk to her today. She glanced up and following the scent of the coffee shop in the lobby, she got in the que to get herself a cup of coffee. She quickly typed out a text to Jess.

Rory- Jess I'm at the hospital now. I can meet you here. My dad will be coming later to relieve me. R

She moved forward not realizing that she bumped into the person in front of her. Looking up she saw Dean and smiled, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you."

"Rory, that's okay. How are you feeling? Are you here for a checkup?"

"No, my grandmother is here. She should be out of ICU today. She had open heart surgery yesterday."

"Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. Please tell your Grandmother Gilmore, that I was asking about her."

"Oh, no Dean, it isn't my grandmother Emily, it's my father's mother, Grandmother Francine."

"Oh, aren't you staying with her?"

"Yes I am. So what brings you to the hospital? Are you working now?"

"No I am off duty. I came to see my sister, Clara."

"Oh, that's right, you did mention that she works here."

"Yes she is right over there?" he pointed to a table where a beautiful blonde was sitting. Rory realized she saw her at The Pigs Ear last night.

"Why don't you join us if you aren't in a hurry," he suggested.

"I'd like that since my grandmother is probably resting."

Dean moved up to the counter and placed his order than turned to Rory, "Ror, coffee with cream and sugar?" he asked her.

"Yes thank you, Dean, you remembered, ," she smiled at him.

The two of them walked to where you pick up the order, and he handed her the to go cup of coffee. He picked up the tray that had his order on it and they walked over to the table. Clara had been on her phone, and she looked up as they approached the table. Clara looked surprised and smiled, quickly standing up she hugged Rory.

"Rory? I can't believe it. You look amazing. Sit, sit."

Clara moved her purse from the chair beside her and Rory sat down. Dean took the chair beside Rory, and the three of them sat there and smiled for a few minutes.

"Clara, It has been at least thirteen years since I saw you. You were about twelve then?"

"Wow was it that long ago? What have you been doing?" Clara asked her as she opened up the breakfast sandwich that her brother brought over for her.

"Oh, up until recently I was a freelance journalist. Now I am not working."

Dean looked at Rory and cocked his head.

"Oh, you aren't going to stay in Stars Hollow?"

"No, there's no work for me there, and as you know, network and cell reception is bad there. It's like living in a bubble. I like it here in Hartford, and since I had my surgery, I had been staying with my Dad at my Grandmother's home. I guess it was a good thing too since I was there yesterday when my grandmother had a heart attack. I drove her here yesterday ."

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