To Build A Home || l.h.

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okay before you read this

i wrote this as it was an idea for a fan fiction that i had but realising i had no way of creating a whole plot behind this one thing i came up with this idea, and i liked it too much to not publish it anywhere. i guess its an imagine, just with a little twist of sorts.

also the name of this imagine has been used purely bc i couldn't think of a name & i've been listening to 'To Build A Home' by The Cinematic Orchestra for like 3 days straight oops but yh listen to that song on repeat whilst reading this if u want the same effect i had when writing.

pls comment ur thoughts on this

i hope you love it despite it being a lil different. ily.


I stared at you as everything fell silent. We both knew of the inevitable but for those next few moments I wanted to absorb as much as I could physically take.

Your hands shook violently, your lip quivered, your usually full green eyes only then show a fulfilment of fear.

I felt there to be nothing else to do than hold you but I couldn't. I stood in total paralysation. Years I had spent in that of most shamefully horrific job, yet I couldn't so as touch you without the fear of causing the one I cared for most anymore pain or grief.

I listened to you fill your lungs with a small intake of air when the only sound to be heard now was the ever so soft calling of sirens in the distance.

I clenched my jaw and my eyebrows involuntarily furrowed together as I tightened my eyes shut. So much anger was built inside of me. I needed to stop you from hurting. I needed to stop anyone from hurting you. All I ever breathed for was to keep you from harm, yet I simply stood in front of you and watched you suffer because how could I have saved you from the pain when I was the one dragging it upon you.

"Luke," Your voice was soft, fragile, broken. Your eyes refused to move away from me, you made it so hard for me to restrict myself. "I can't take this, please do something."

I shook my head, my point getting across to you that there was simply nothing I could do this time to save you.

"But it can't end like this, Luke please," My anger only seemed to grow as I watched the tears growing in your eyes. I couldn't watch you suffer alone any longer, but I just could not touch you when there was that risk of hurting you.

"I'm sorry." I kept my eyes on you, taking in your appearance.

Your eyes had fallen into darker shade of green, your heavy brown hair falling over you shoulders in tattered curls, the considerable height difference between the two of us seeming so much bigger than usual, your little button nose now bloodied from recent events, your eyebrows lightly furrowed together as you tried to stop tears from falling, your little ears which you would receive so much torment from me for their size, your ever so small hands resting by your side still slightly shaking but not quite as much as they previously were. You were so precious.

"Luke I'm not afraid." You whispered as you lifted your now violently shaking hands. But darling I knew you weren't afraid, it was I who was afraid.

"You're shaking," I sighed as my jaw clenched even tighter. "This is my fault."

"Hold me," You sounded so tired, I wanted to take you into my arms right there. "I trust you." You whispered.

Sweetheart did you ever know how much you changed me with your three words. Those three words you would almost always utter to me in the worst of situations.

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