You Get Jealous || m.c

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"Um, excuse me?" You felt someone tap on your shoulder. You turned to see a girl about your age stood there with a smile predominantly plastered on her face.

"Yeah?" You furrowed your eyebrows at her as she continued to smile.

"Are you Y/N?" She grinned. You nodded slowly in response, earning a squeal from the girl. "Michael Clifford's girlfriend right?" She spoke quickly as she pulled out her phone. Again, you nodded, not really knowing how else to respond.

You were quiet about the fact Michael had only gone to the toilet, leaving you alone for barely a minute before the girl joined you.

"Can i have a photo with you?" She asked politely.

"Uh, sure." You shrugged before smiling sheepishly for a photo with her.

"Thank you so much, can you tell Michael i love him please?" She grinned. A slight flush of jealousy filling you, but you took a deep breath and smiled. Sure, she was prettier than you but Michael was yours and only yours.

"I mean yeah, but wouldn't you rather tell him yourself?" You smiled as the girls eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You laughed watching as Michael walked to you, laying his arms over your shoulders.

"Whose this, babe?" He asked, kissing the side of your head. The girls eyes widened, letting out a small squeal. You laughed a little before turning to the girl.

"I didn't actually catch your name?" You said to the girl.

"Um, its- its Rosa." She stuttered, not taking her eyes off of Michael. You squinted your eyes a little, wrapping your arm around Michael's waist, pulling him closer to you. "Sorry, can i have a picture with you?" She asked Michael. He nodded with a smile, removing his arm from your shoulders and walking over to Rosa.

You frowned a little as she shoved her phone in your hand, not stopping for a moment to take her eyes off your boyfriend.

You quickly took a picture, the two of them smiling. You shot her a fake smile, before handing her the phone. She completely ignored you, still facing Michael.

"Can i have a kiss on the cheek?" She smiled innocently up at him. He smiled back and nodded. You huffed in annoyance, lifting her phone back up, watching as Michael kissed her cheek. You took the photo quickly before walking to the two of them, grabbing Michael's hand and pulling him away from Rosa.

"Okay, we have to go, goodbye." You smiled sweetly, shoving her phone back in her hand - just as she had done to you.

"It was nice to meet you." She smirked, handing Michael a piece of paper. You gaped at her as she walked away. And to think you took a picture with her.

"What a bitch!" You raised your voice as Rosa turned the corner. You turned to face Michael, grabbing the piece of paper from his hand. "You are not calling her." You scoffed, throwing the paper in a nearby bin.

"Babe," Michael groaned. "She was just a fan," He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, a 'just a fan'. Just a fan that you kissed on the cheek, just a fan that gave you her number, just a fan who is like ten times prettier than me." You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest as Michael shook his head at you.

"Y/N, shut up," He laughed lightly. "It was a kiss on the cheek, it meant nothing, i've done it with a ton of fans-"

"You've done what?" You raised your eyebrow at him, not amused with the amount of girls he's been kissing.

"You're so jealous, its cute." He giggled.

"I'm not jealous, you're mine." You frowned at him.

"I know, and you're mine." He smiled, unfolding your arms, replacing them with his, wrapping them around your waist. "Its okay, i love you and only you."

"You promise?" You pouted, looking up at your boyfriend, resting your hands on his chest.

He leaned down and kissed your lips. "I promise."


((this was shit, sorry its been a while))

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