Empty || m.c.

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You walked through your apartment door and slammed it behind you, making sure to lock Michael outside.

His fists repeatedly knocked at the door but your were in a state of shock, you didn't want to see him.

"Y/N, please open up." He said.

In one change of heart, your anger clouded everything and you shook your head as you stormed back over to the door, swinging it opens to see a distraught Michael on the other side.

"Why?" You mumbled. "I thought we were okay, why– why did you–" You choked on a sob but tried to hold back tears that were threatening to fall.

"I'm sorry." He spoke softly. His eyes trailed to the floor and you felt even worse than before. He couldn't even look at you when realistically it should be the other way around.

"I can't believe you." You pushed the door closed, but Michael's hand seemed to quickly grab onto yours before you could.

He looked at your with pleading eyes. "I love you so much– just– please don't do this." He tightened his grip and pulled you closer to him, his lips immediately pressing against yours.

You struggled at first to step away from him but soon enough you melted into Michael's embrace and stopped. Your lips moulded together perfectly and it felt so right you just didn't want to ever stop.

Michael hand's reached your waist and he pushed you further into the apartment. He swiftly lifted you from your feet, continuing the kiss as you wrapped your legs around his torso.

His foot slammed the door shut and you found yourself deepening the kiss, pulling away for only a split second when Michael laid you down at the couch.

You gasped softly when he hovered over you, his lips trailing from your mouth to your neck.

"I love you, so much." You smiled slightly at the feeling of Michael being so close to you again.

Your mind raced a million miles an hour before everything slipped into place. Michael's hands reached the hem of your shirt and that's when you came to your senses.

"Michael–" You mumbled into his lips as he hiked up your shirt. "Michael– hey– stop–" You moved your hands to his chest and pushed him off you, leaving you lying on the sofa with Michael still straddling your waist.

All you could think about was him with her. "I can't do this."

"Baby, I said I'm sorry. I can't take back what I did but I regret it more than anything." He pleaded, leaning back down to where he cupped your face slightly. "I told you– I love you." He leaned into your lips and pressed them against yours softly but your quickly pushed him off.

"I can't do it anymore, Michael–" You choked back a soft sob because every part of you wanted to forgive Michael but how could you when your mind was clouded with thoughts of him with her. "I love you. But all I see is– is her."

Michael's face fell slightly and he climbed from you, taking a seat beside you when you sat up.

"Oh," He mumbled more to himself than to you. "What do you want to happen– between us– I mean–" He stopped himself because he didn't want to even think about breaking up. He really loved you and it really was a mistake.

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