First || c.h.

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You and your friends decided to go the beach since London actually managed to be sunny for a day.

The three of you spread your towel out on the sand, your two friends seating either side of you.

You decided on tanning seeing as you really didn't get a lot of sun in England. So you pulled off your baggy Rolling Stones shirt that you had thrown over your bikini, and pulled down your shorts, leaving you in your swimwear. You laid back onto your towel, covering your eyes with your sunglasses as you lay in the sun.

"We're going to get ice cream, what'd you want?" Y/F/N asked.

"Um, strawberry's cool," You shrugged. "But I can come with you and get it I don't-"

"No, thats okay. We need someone to look after our stuff anyway." She and your friend both stood up, leaving you alone with a short 'see you later'.

You sighed, taking your phone from your bag and scrolling through Tumblr as you took in the sunlight.

You glanced to your left, furrowing your eyebrows when you saw a brown haired, blonde highlighted, squishy faced boy sitting beside you.

"Can I- Can I help you?" You lifted your sunglasses and rested them on top of your head as you sat up.

You couldn't help but stumble on your words a little as your eyes wandered down to the boys exposed chest. You felt yourself blush and you quickly turned your head. You heard him chuckle to himself and as you turned back to protest, he was now sat right beside you.

"I am awfully sorry," He smiled down at you, his black rimmed sunglasses covering his eyes. His lips where plump and his nose rather flat and puppy like, he was cute. "But I happened to see your friends had left and honestly I think your hot." He smiled slightly before removing his sunglasses and tucking them onto his shirt.

"Uh," You stuttered a little as you found yourself lost in his deep brown eyes. His tussled brown hair was quiffed up a little, making his ears stick out a little, it made him look like a cross between a baby monkey, and a puppy. He really was quite adorable. "Thanks?" You furrowed your eyebrows with a smile.

"I'm sorry, that was totally out of line wasn't it?" He released a small laugh, making the corner of his eyes crinkle slightly, making him look like 10 times cuter. You nodded in reply, he may be cute but you certainly thought it was weird he walked up you and called you hot straight off the bat. "Okay let me try this again." He smiled sheepishly before sticking out his hand for you to shake.

"Hi, I'm Calum, I play bass in my band and I think you're really cute." He smiled happily at you as you took hold of his hand and shook it.

"Hi, I'm Y/N, I'm not in a band but I do think you're really cute also."


re-wrote this and like it a hell of a lot more now yay

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