Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran || l.h.

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'Take me into your lovin' arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud'

"Come on Y/N please, just trust me." Luke pouted, holding onto your hands.

"Luke its 11 at night." You said blankly. "Where do you want to go so badly?" You wined, trying to resist leaving the comfort of your home.

Luke looked down at you with puppy dog eyes. "Lucas, stop doing that." You groaned, covering his face with your hands.

"Please," He wined, taking your hands from his face to reveal him pouting.

"Fine." You mumbled rolling your eyes.

You tried asking Luke where he was taking you but apparently it was a surprise.


After a 30 minute, blindfolded, drive you felt the car come to halt. You reached to untie your blindfold but Luke slapped your hand away.

"Luke!" You pouted, rubbing your hand.

"You're so impatient, just wait!" He sighed, as you heard a door open and close shortly after.

You waited patiently for a couple minutes, beginning to feel tired of waiting.

You grew fed up, reaching up to untie the blindfold, but before you could, your door opened beside you, feeling a hand gently squeeze your arm and pull you from the car.

You climbed out of the car as best you could - as you were blind folded - and followed where Luke - or who you hoped was Luke - was leading you.

Suddenly you felt the loss of his grip and panicked slightly.

"Luke, where are you?" You asked, frantically wafting the air in an attempt to find him. "Baby this isn't funny, where are you?" Panicking, you quickly pulled off your blind fold.

Waiting a few seconds, your eyes adjusted, staring at Luke in awe.

"Surprise!" Luke cheered.

Your mouth hung open, a smile beginning to form on your lips. Luke was sat on a little picnic blanket on, what seemed to be a little hill, which overlooked the ocean. It was dark so the stars where shining brightly above the two of you, making it even prettier.

"This is beautiful." You whispered, taking it all in. He gestured for you to come cuddle, which you gladly agreed to. He laid down on the blanket as you walked towards him. You laid down beside him allowing him to wrap an arm around your shoulders.

He pulled you into his chest, kissing your temple, as you rested your head on his chest, listening to the beating of his heart. The both of you laying in a comfortable silence just watching the stars above you.

"You're so beautiful." Luke whispered, as you turned you noticed he was looking down at you.

"Hmm?" You hummed at little, slightly confused to why he had just blurted that out.

Your eyes closed softly as you continued to listen to his heartbeat.

"Just thinking out loud.." He sighed, placing a kiss on the top of your head.

You smiled to yourself before looking back up at Luke, re-opening your eyes so they met with his bright blue ones.

You smiled a little, placing a kiss on his lips, the both of you pulling away with a smile.

"I love you Luke."

"I love you too Y/N."


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