liar || c.h.

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"hey," you smiled softly as you opened your door to calum. his hair was in its naturally messy state and obviously he didn't take a lot of time on his appearance as he was in sweats and a green day shirt.

"hey, is everything alright?" calum questioned, his eyebrows furrowed gently together as he leaned up against the frame of your doorway.

you hummed, forgetting the reason behind why you called him over in the first place. "yeah why?"

his eyes slowly pushed together when his smile grew and shortly he released a laugh. "y/n," he groaned impatiently. "you called me at one am and told me to come over and here i am and you can't even remember what you did."

you smiled but you figured calum would figure that you were joking by now. of course you remembered the phone call, it happened a mere half hour ago.

"calum timothy hood." you whispered through the line.

he lowered his voice to match your whisper. "its thomas," he laughed quietly because it didn't matter how many times he told you, you'd always forget. "and what do you want?"

"i need your company,"

he was silent for a moment, almost waiting for you to laugh so he'd know you were joking. " one am?"

"it's important,"

he was silent again and you sighed, impatiently waiting for calum to reply. "...but its one am?"

"i'm aware of the time cal." you muttered. "i need to tell you something and it can't wait."

"you can't tell me through the phone?" you groaned at his constant backfiring questions.

"i need your presence!" you snapped.

calum groaned. "is my spiritual presence not– whatever i'll be there in a bit." he hung up.

"you remember." calum groaned, pushing past you and wandering into your apartment. "you're a pain in my ass," he muttered, waddling into the kitchen where he briefly skimmed your fridge before pulling out a bottle of milk. "what do you want?"

"to talk," you smiled, looking over your shoulder at calum who was trailing behind you as you made your way into the front room. "to you... if that wasn't clear."

"it was clear," he nodded and sat beside you on the sofa, crossing his legs like you had and turning to face you. "tell me your something that you made me trek thirty minutes for." he unraveled the cap from the milk and swigged it, not removing his eyes from yours.

"i don't want to tell you." you muttered indecisively.

calum let the milk bottle sit in his lap as he stared at you in utter boredom.

"are you kidding-"

"you'll get mad at me and i don't wanna ruin this cute little thing we've got going right now..." you briefly lifted your eyes to lay on calum who looked more confused than anything else.

"cute," he stated. "just tell me, i don't care, it's probably not that big of a deal any-"

"so when i told you i wasn't a fan of your band, i lied," you spluttered out your words so fast that you didn't even hear them. "well no, technically i didn't but i mean–"

calum screwed the lid back on the milk and nodded, standing up from the sofa which caused you to stop mid sentence.

"hey, where are you going?" you spoke quietly, afraid that he was going to leave.

"i don't like being lied to." he called at you from over his shoulder as he shuffled to your front door.

"no it's not like that-"

"then what is it like, y/n?" he snapped, his voice still slow and heavy as he glanced at you briefly. "you lied to me about not knowing who i was, and i actually don't give a shit that you're a fan, i give a shit about you lying to me about it."

you felt worse than you had earlier. his eyes showed a look of hurt and you realised that lying like this happened a lot to calum considering he was so well known.

"i get that you're upset but it's just not like that. i just didn't want you to think it was weird for me to love your band and to know you're famous. i wanted you to understand and trust me when i tell you i really like you for you. not because you're calum hood." you exhaled heavily, the breath you held from the entire sentence catching up with you.

"you wanted me to trust you by lying to me?"

you felt your argument shake and instead went for the apology. "i'm sorry."

"nah," he relaxed himself and threw on his laid back facade. "i'm sorry." he shrugged and slammed the door behind himself on his way out.


if there are no mistakes in this then i say this is a job well done

part 2?

i'm fucjing tired bye🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧

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