Bad Reputations || c.h.

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You walked through the hallways of your high school in a rush to get to your locker. You had a french final in twenty minutes but you had still yet to retrieve your textbooks and get to the other side of the campus.

You reached your locker, hurriedly inserting your combination and pulling open the door. You jumped back when sheets of paper came flying out from your notebook. You groaned and knelt down to pick them up as quick as possible.

After collecting the most of them you shoved it all back in the small locker and pulled down your french textbook before slamming the door closed.

You jumped at the sight of Calum who had obviously been just standing and watching for a while now. He had himself leaned up against the locker next to yours, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his black skinny jeans before he fixed the snapback lying on his tousled brown hair.

"Hi," You mumbled quickly, in no mood to stop and chat because you knew for a fact you would be late and miss the beginning of the test.

"Wait, I wanna talk!" Calum pulled at your backpack so you were facing him but you shrugged his hand off just as quickly.

You looked over at him sympathetically and friendly kissed his cheek. He insisted his reputation was always at risk so any sort of affection couldn't be shown between the two of you, especially since you were nothing more than friends, but the hallways were solely empty so he didn't stop you.

"I have this huge french final and I'm so late, Mr Fitz is going to kill me. I'm sorry," You lifted your hand and waved quickly before swiftly turning around and practically started running to your class.


You walked out the doors of the arts department and waved a goodbye to your friend before meeting up at the car lot in hope your boyfriend wouldn't take his time in getting here. But surprisingly when you reached his car he was already stood there, leaning back against the hood of his car.

You jogged over towards him with a smile on your face before coming up behind him and engulfing him in a hug. You pulled back after not feeling his arms around you and stood up to your tiptoes to kiss him quickly.

You frowned when he pulled back, and when you finally looked up at him properly you noticed the surrounding of his eye was bruised pretty badly.

"Oh my god, what happened to you?" You raised your voice, lifting your hand and tracing the bruising causing him to flinch and push you back.

"Y/N, we need to talk," He mumbled, a pretty tiresome expression stuck on his face and you suddenly expected the worst.

"Okay," You gulped down on the lump growing in your throat and took a step back, folding your arms across your chest so he could talk.

"So, I've kind of been seeing this girl and I-"

"What?" You very tightly furrowed your eyebrows together, staring at him on confusion. You wished he had some sort of explanation rather than an excuse.

"I've been cheating on you." He spoke bluntly, immediately getting his point across to you.

You felt a heavy pounding in your chest as you registered everything. He must have been a pretty good liar to show absolutely no remorse, at all, and you must have been pretty naive to believe everything he told you.

Understandably, you weren't overly surprised. You had a habit of picking liars, but he seemed so genuine, you actually thought it could go somewhere.

"How long?" You tried not to cry because you didn't want to waste anything more on him. Waiting for a reply was the worst. He took his time, dragging the conversation out longer than necessary.

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