Cute || c.h.

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A few tears fell from your eyes as you stood on his doorstep, not knowing exactly what you were supposed to do or say. You looked at him waiting for him to tell you this was some sort of joke and that he really did love you. But he didn't, everything was a lie.

"Oh Y/N if only somebody loved you." His words replayed in your head. Your boyfriend of 2 years just broke up with you, telling you that he never loved you, and he even admitted to cheating on your multiple times. It broke you to hear that, knowing you waisted two years of you life loving someone who didn't ever love you back.

You were still at his door waiting for him to say something, but there was nothing. Instead he slowly closed the door in your face.

Your breath hitched in your throat, suddenly feeling out of breath as more tears began rolling down your face. You fumbled around in your jean pocket before pulling out your phone. You turned around and began walking away, not knowing where you were and really you didn't care.

You quickly unlocked your phone, your vision slightly blurred from the tears falling down your face. But you managed to find his number.

"Y/N?" Your best friend answered straight away.

"C-cal.." You hiccupped a little, as more tears fell.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" He sounded panicked.

"N-no. Can you pick me up?" You stuttered.

"Sure baby, where are you?"


After you briefly explain to Calum what happened he promised he was on his way.

He pulled up only minutes later, running out of the car and picking you up from where you were sat on the pavement with your knees pulled into your chest. He carried you to the car and sat you in the passengers seat, buckling you up, before climbing in the other side and driving you home.

Once Calum took you home, you insisted that he stayed with you for the night because you didn't want to be alone.

Calum cuddled you tightly as you explained to him what happened. He comforted you when you finished talking, wiping away your tears and making sure you were okay.

After you stopped crying, Calum ran upstairs and grabbed a bunch of pillows and blankets, throwing them at you before rushing to get the ice cream out the freezer. Once he came back, he put on Mean Girls and ate ice cream with you for the rest of the night.

Eventually, you fell asleep during the third movie and Calum carried you to your bed. He climbed in next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, closing his eyes and hoping you'd see how desperately in love with you he was.


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