Unintentional || a.i.

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You glanced over at your best friend who sat beside you as he tampered with his phone. His eyebrows were furrowed together as he aimlessly scrolled through twitter, replying and following fans every now and then.

His blonde hair lay messily across his forehead, brushing it out of his way every time it fell in front of his eyes. His black muscle tee hung from his torso as he relaxed back against the headboard of your bed.

You smiled as you watched him, thankful for him being in your life.

"What's your deal? You've being staring at me for like twenty minutes," Ashton locked his phone, your bedroom now pitch black without the bright light radiating from his screen. It may have been dark but you still managed to see his dimples prominently showing as he smiled widely, and his hazelly eyes as he looked down at you.

"Nothing," You mumbled, shrugging your shoulders before tearing you gaze from Ashton and down to your hands. "I'm just a little tired I guess." You lied, not feeling tired really at all but you felt exhausted.

You smiled as Ashton placed his phone on the table beside your bed before he climbed under the covers, holding them up so you could climb in next to him. Ashton wrapped his arm tightly around your shoulders and his hand found its way to your waist, pinching your side gently. You ignored his childishness and rested your head on his chest, feeling contently happy with his steady breathing.

His free hand moved to you hair as he wrapped his finger around a stray strand and twirled it between his fingers. You felt yourself blush but pushed passed it and closed your eyes as Ashton hummed quietly.

"I have loved you since we were 18," He whispered. Your eyes opened slowly as you listened intently to Ashton's voice. "Long before we both thought the same things," He sounded so sincere as he sang softly into your ear. "To be loved and to be in love." You shuffled yourself onto your back and looked up at Ashton, his eyes locking with yours as he continued to sing. "All I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you." He smiled softly as he leaned down and placed a kiss at the top of your head. "I wanna love like you make me feel, when we were 18."

You sucked in a deep breath. "Kiss me where I lay down, my hands pressed to your cheeks," You bit down lightly on your lip as you lifted your hand and grazed it against his cheek. "A long way from the playground." Ashton's facial expression much mocked the expression to believed you were showing at that moment in time. You lifted your other arm and cupped his cheeks with your hands before tilting your chin up and guiding his face down until your lips met in the middle.

"I have loved you since we were 18," Ashton whispered. "Just in case you were wondering." He smiled, staring contently into your eyes before leaning down very slightly so his lips grazed yours.

"I love you too, Ash." You sighed with a small smile as he tilted your chin upwards so your lips touched his softly.


if this has no mistakes (which idek if it does bc i didn't read it over lol) then i will be happy w/ this

goodnight i'm v tired but my hair smells soso good rn i'm so happy

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