Help | l.h.

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you watched him intently, his blueprint eyes scanning the sheet of paper sitting in his hands. "the lyrics just won't come together," his eyebrows knitting, forming the smallest of creases.

"sing them to me, let me help." you offered and he nodded, not once removing his eyes from the sheet. you loved his love for music.

you took a deep breath and closed you eyes, awaiting the moment in which his soft voice was overpower every other sound in the room. "our last words ringing in my head, i wish we'd take back all the things we said," he paused for a moment and you nodded, waiting for him to continue but nothing came of it. "then the next line should be sort of like a-" you listened to him hum the tune of the next line. "-kind of tune, you know?"

you hummed. "i'm tryna find-" you paused, searching your mind for the words that would fit onto your on-the-ball lyrics. your eyes quickly opened and you met his. "i'm tyna find a way to yesterday?" luke hummed through the verse again, adding your line in before allowing a smile to etch onto his lips softly.


"are you okay?" your eyes hazed over as his words rung in your ears.

"what- what?" you shook your head with the repetition, and turned to luke, your vision clearing up.

"i asked if you're okay?" he forced his eyebrows closely together, a small smile growing when he released a small laugh. "are you not okay?"

"not really, no," you smiled briefly, thankful you had answered in the way you did. "i'm an insomniac, i starve myself all day and at night i can't sleep because the guilt kills me, i eat through the night to be back on the weight and in the morning the guilt kicks me in the ass and its a never ending cycle of bullshit. i cry too often and my mind never stops for a second to even let me breathe. my mood is ever changing, one minute i love you and the next i want to hit you in the throat. i'm really tired all the time luke but i can't sleep and i want to sleep, even when you hold me its hard for me to get my mind to stop. and i'm sick, and i'm tired and i want to feel okay again so, with absolutely no irony at all, thank you for asking me if i'm okay because i'm not."

your breathing was heavy, your eyebrows were creased together and your eyes were pleading and you looked at luke in such a way that, with the help of your confession, almost made luke cry.

"you- you what?" his words were almost condescending, but you knew he cared so you didn't take it the wrong way.

you snatched the slice of pizza from luke's hand and without hesitation, slung it across the room. "listen to me!" you yelled at the near top of your voice, his eyes widened and his pupils dilated and his lips cracked slightly open.

"i fucking am, whats wrong with you?" he pleaded, his hands darting to your sides, crouching down the slightest bit to look into your eyes.

you stuttered all over the place, trying to explain your outburst.

luke wasn't even angry and that made her feel even guiltier. "baby, whatever i did, i'm sorry." you let out a short breath when he engulfed you in his arms, not even caring for your explanation anymore. "i love you, baby, i'm sorry."

you just laid against his shoulder and forced yourself not to cry because if you cried you wouldn't stop, because luke was too good to you. he was too good for you.

"why didn't you tell me?" he stuttered out, his eyes darting through your eyes for any sign of hope and love. "why didn't you tell anyone?" he pleaded with his words and his facial expressions and his eyes and you wanted to fall apart.

"no one asked." you gulped on the ever growing lump in your throat and all of a sudden the weight of your world felt at a slight ease.

"but i love you, i care about you-"

"but you never asked if i were okay." you mumbled. "because i'm not and i'm sorry that i'm not okay. oh my god, why do you love me so much luke?" your words were coming up like vomit now. you had heard of this but never felt this sensation until now. "you're so kind, why? you so healthy minded and happy and lovely and i'm not okay at all and i don't want someone so kind and healthy minded and lovely and happy to have to have half the weight of my world on their shoulders ever, because i can barely carry it myself." vomit vomit vomit.

"no, no, y/n, i love your crazy mood swings and your unexplainable moments and now that i know a little deeper, i want to help." your bottom lip trembled, you were so infatuated.

you didn't reply, you just let yourself fall, quite literally, into his arms, hugging him tighter than ever.

"you make me happy,"

luke sighed and tilted his head down slightly, pressing his lips softly onto your forehead. "that's all i want for you to be, baby."


i'm trying to write but i'm struggling to get in the right mood to do anything at the moment, sorry

i didn't read this over

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