Jealous || c.h.

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"Y/N!" He yelled from behind you. You were sat on your usual bench outside of class with your friends.

He walked past you with his friends by his side. His friends engrossed in conversation, as he turned to face you, sending you a dimpled smile.

You panicked and looked down, avoiding his gaze, feeling yourself blush.

"Y/N?" Y/B/N snapped you from your thoughts as you quickly turned to face her.

"Sorry, what?" You questioned.

"You're still hooked on Calum, aren't you?" She teased as you rolled your eyes.

"He's never going to like me..." You sighed, remembering to lower your voice as the only person that new about your crush was Y/B/F.

"He definitely likes you." She lowered her voice to match yours and smiled at you. "It's the way he looks at you." She explained but you just shrugged. You had a hard time believing these things. And besides, he was popular, and you weren't. Dating him would mess up everything.

"There are better girls out there." You sighed.


At the end of the day you decided on walking home with your friend Sam instead of Y/B/N. He was great, you loved him, as a friend of course, he was gay anyway, he just hadn't managed to come out yet.

You began walking with him, laughing along at a joke he had told, when you caught a glimpse of Calum from the corner of your eye. You turned and shot him a shy smile but he didn't return it. You felt stupid, of course he didn't like you.

You frowned and watched as he began walking over to you, feeling a sudden wave of nervousness hit you.

He stopped in front of you, staring at Sam.

"Hey." Sam smiled at Calum, who only continued to glare at him.

"Hey Y/N." Calum smiled turning to you, completely ignoring Sam.

"Hey." You smiled, slightly confused.

"I'm gonna get going, see you tomorrow." Sam said awkwardly, quickly hugging you and walking away.

"What was that about? Do you like him? Are you going out with him? Are you-"

"Shut up. He's gay." You laughed lightly as Calum's noticeably relaxed.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Whatever." You shrugged. "I've got to go anyway." You smiled slightly, waving before walking away.

"Wait Y/N!" He shouted, you turned around as he came running towards you.

"Yeah?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Do you wanna go out this saturday?" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"I'd love to." You smiled, blushing a little as he left a kiss on your cheek. You quickly turned and walked away with the stupidest smile of your face.


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