A Step You Can't Take Back || c.h.

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Part 2

The alarm echoing from your phone seemed unbearably louder than usual today. You groaned, rolling yourself over, where you patted down your bed in search of the annoyingly repetitive noise.

As you found your phone, you squinted in attempt to open your eyes, trying to read the time on your lock screen.

You groaned for the second time when you saw it was now exactly ten-oh-two am. You had a busy day planned, considering you were still out of work until September, you were spending your summer jobless in hope you could get things ticked off your list.

You had made a list at the end of the last summer because you decided that, that was the worst summer ever and wanted to make your next one so much better. So you came through with your list involving little to-do-notes such as, watch the sun set and rise and take a mini road trip and little things like go to a midnight movie.

Although a lot of things were ticked off by now, you were still struggling to finish it off completely as it was already the beginning of August.


By half ten you had dragged yourself from your ridiculously comfortable bed and thrown on a t-shirt and shorts. You'd also managed to make your usual coffee blend and filled up your personalised take out cup with the caffeinated drink before filing out of your small apartment as calmly as possible. You didn't have a specific, keep-on-time schedule, so realistically you would stroll around doing whatever was needed at any pace and time you wanted.

You listened to your feet patting down against the pavement as you strolled down the steps from your apartment door building. As you reached the foot of the steps you exhaled heavily and smiled before making your way to your first stop- the coffee shop up the road.


You found yourself at the subway nearing the end of the day, in hope to meet up with a friend.

Your life had been pretty much piecing itself back together, you'd stopped thinking about him, but mainly because he never grew his balls and came after you. You were slightly disappointed when you walked away to have never seen him again, with the exception of billboards and tv shows and basically every form of social media. But you didn't let it bother you, it'd been a couple months now and you figured he would have made a move to find you if he cared about what was written down.

You shook your head of your thoughts and pushed your way onto the semi-packed train.


It'd been hours since your train ride home and hours since your friend had left your apartment. You were sat awake at an ungodly hour, but you certainly didn't have the energy to check the time.

Your tv was playing in the background as you swarmed yourself in blankets and pillows and comforters, that all consumed your bed.

You had been trying to fall asleep for some time now but you just couldn't seem to grasp it. You watched the lights from the tv screen flicker as mtv music played whatever crap they played at this hour.

You groaned when your ringtone rang loud and clear letting you know you were receiving a call. You left it to ring out because you figured someone got the wrong number, nobody ever calls your phone anymore.

But when it rang again and again you inevitably became fed up and reached over to your phone where you answered and put it on speaker.

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