James Dean And Audrey Hepburn - Sleeping With Sirens || c.h.

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How the hell did you ever pick me?

Honestly, 'cause I could sing you a song

But I don't think words can express your beauty

"...We're taking the long way home." I sang the last line of the song that I had managed to finish writing. I just hope its good enough. I love Y/N a lot but she deserves so much more than me. She shouldn't have to restrict herself from living her life just because I'm traveling all around the world whilst she's stuck at home.

I sighed before resting my guitar on the floor and leaving the studio, no longer in the mood to be writing.

I drove home to mine and Y/N's apartment and as soon as I opened the front door, I was greeted by the smell of pizza. And that only meant one thing. Y/N cooked dinner, and then burnt it and ordered pizza.

I shook my head in a amusement before slamming the door behind me. I heard a small squeal from the kitchen and followed to where the sound came from.

"Hey babe." I greeted her, wrapping my arms around Y/N's waist from behind. I smiled and nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck.

"You scared the shit out of me, Cal." She mumbled as she picked up a piece of pizza from the cardboard box and begun eating.

I laughed softly before gripping her waist and spinning her around. She frowned at me as she took a bite of her pizza. She looked so adorable. I pouted and she quickly gave in, releasing a small smile, trying to hide it by taking another bite out of her pizza. I smiled and pecked her nose causing a small blush to form on her cheeks and god she was just so perfect.

"How the hell did you pick me?" I shook my head in disbelief with a small smile. She furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side a little, it was a little habit she had when she was confused. She looked like a little puppy, and it was the cutest thing.

"What do you mean?" She questioned as she finished eating her pizza slice.

I pulled away from her slightly and held onto her hands. "I mean, you could have had anyone. Anyone could have treated you better, could have been with you when you needed them. But instead you are stuck with me, I'm not around 24/7 to look after you. I mean the only reason you probably stayed is because I'm hopelessly in love with you." I sighed, finally feeling a little better now that I was getting this off my chest.


"I mean, what can I really do for you? Write you a song? Sing to you? Its pathetic." I scoffed a little, now feeling slightly self conscious.


"And you're just so beautiful. Like, you are so beautiful. Sometimes I can't believe you're even mine. I can't describe in words just how perfect, to me, you really are. Why would you even-" I began rambling but was quickly cut off by Y/N wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her height and placing her lips on mine.

"Calum Thomas Hood." She snapped. "Shut up." She scolded. "You're perfect." She stated and before I could interject, she continued. "You are perfect Calum. Do not try and convince me otherwise. You are so good to me. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. I never wanted anyone else from the minute I laid eyes on you and I still feel the same to this day." She smiled a little. "And as for you not being around. I mean, of course I'd love you to be around more, but its your job, and you're damn good at it. I couldn't be more proud of you Cal. And of course there's nothing wrong with singing. Your voice is incredible, Calum. Its one of my favourite things about you." She smiled down at our intertwined hands as she explained all these little things. "And dear god Calum. Do you even want to get me started on how hot you are?" She raised an eyebrows at me causing me to release a small laugh and blush unwillingly. "Calum. I love you. I don't want anyone but you." She was now smiling up at me, as I was a good couple inches taller than her. I smiled and cupped her face with my hands, squishing her cheeks together so they were all chubby, making her look very, bunny-like. I placed a small kiss on her forehead and nuzzled my nose with hers.

"I love you so much Y/N."

"I love you too Cal. And don't you forget it."


how sweet- oh wrapped around your finger just came on, brb crying

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