Secrets || c.h.

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"I just don't know what to do anymore." You sighed, holding the phone to your ear as you waited for a relevant response from your best friend- Ella.

"Look Y/N, personally, I would tell him, I mean, you guys ended on a good note right?" Ella questioned. You hummed as a response and nodded. "So tell him!" She exclaimed. "Luke already knows and we all know that Luke can't keep his mouth shut for much longer." You sighed accepting that she was right. Luke had a big mouth and was basically the worlds worst secret keeper.

You groaned, running your hands through your hair as you glanced over at the opening door of your bedroom, finally revealing your four year old daughter, Cameron.


"Cam, baby-" You paused, moving the phone away from your ear for a moment as you spoke to Cameron. "Hold on a minute, I'm on the phone to your Aunt Ella." She nodded softly, waiting at the foot of your door as you returned to your conversation with Ella. "I'll call you back. Cameron's bugging me for something." You rolled your eyes playfully, watching as Cameron began to bounce slightly, her soft brown curls falling in front of her eyes as she irritably pushed them out of her sight.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later." You nodded before bidding a quite share of goodbyes and hanging up.

"Right Cammie, whats up?" You smiled over at your little girl before walking over to her and scooping her up in your arms - a habit that she was growing fat too old for - and nuzzling into her neck causing her to release a loud giggle.

"Someones at the door." She smiled up at you after she calmed her laughter down.

You furrowed your eyebrows together, quickly placing her back on her feet. "Cameron Hood! How many times have I warned you to never ever open the door to strangers!" You raised your voice, as you took hold of her little hand, making your way down the hallway as she waddled behind you.

You glanced around the large hallway by the door, immediately catching the stranger standing with his back to you. Only, you were almost 100% certain it wasn't a stranger.

"Calum?" Your voice was soft and weak. You gulped down on the lump in your throat as you watched him turn around so he was now facing you.

He had a small smile on his face but you kept your distance.

Your attention was averted to Cameron when you felt her tugging on you arm. "He's Luke's friend, mummy. He's not a stranger." She smiled proudly but you didn't want her to think what she did was okay, even if she knew who it was.

"Cam, I don't care if he's a stranger or not. You never open the front door without me okay?" You warned, guilt hitting you as she looked down at her hands guiltily.

"Sorry." She muttered.

You could never stay mad at her, she was too cute, too obliviously innocent. You quickly scooped her back up in yours arms, causing her to release a laugh, before you walked over to where Calum stood.

"I'm sorry for just showing up uninvited. But I just, I don't know." He trailed off, causing a small laugh to slip from his lips. A laugh that you had missed so much it hurt to even think about the times you two had together all those years ago.

Cam squirmed in your arms before she nuzzled her face into the crook of your neck. You had to tell him. You couldn't keep a secret from him any longer, it'd already gone far enough. He had the right to know the minute you found out, and theres nothing you regretted more than breaking up with him. You thought at the time it was what you needed; a break. But when Calum went away on tour and a few weeks later you found out you were pregnant, you couldn't help but regret everything.

Whether he wants to be in her life or not, he deserves to know. "I mean, I was in the neighbourhood and I figured I'd just sort of drop by so we could catch up. Its been a while." He trailed off once again, loosing himself to his thoughts for a moment before snapping back to reality.

"Four years, ten months to be exact." Your voice was quiet as you rested your head on Cam's and released a short sigh.

"Fuck Y/N, I miss you. I've never not missed you." He muttered under his breath but still making it loud enough for both Cameron and you to hear.

Cameron immediately lifted her head from your neck and glared at Calum. "Excuse you, Mister. You can't come into my house and start saying words like that. Luke needs to wash your mouth with soup." Cam frowned, crossing her arms over her chest.

You laughed a little before leaning into her ear. "Baby, its soap. Not soup." She huffed before facing Calum again.

"I'll get Luke to wash your mouth out with soap then. But I don't think that will taste as nice a soup." She shrugged as you smiled down at her.

"Thats the point, sweetheart." You watched her with adoration as she conversed with Calum.

"I am sorry for swearing," Calum apologised, a smile growing on his face, allowing the crinkles to form at the corners of his eyes as he watched Cameron intently.

"Mummy says its naughty to swear." Cam said lowering her voice. "But she does it all the time." She whispered, forgetting you were still carrying her and that you could hear her probably more than Calum could.

"I do not!" You covered her mouth with your hand before she could say anymore causing her to burst into a fit of laughter muffling the sound with the use of your hand.

You placed her back on her feet and began to shoo her away. "Go play with your toys whilst I talk to Calum, baby." Cam nodded in excitement before running off to her bedroom to find her beloved toys.

As soon as she'd left the room you walked through to the living room before falling into the couch. You tilted your head back to see Calum slowing following after you, a smile still playing in his lips. He soon reached the living room before he collapsed beside you on the couch.

"So you have a daughter?" You nodded in reply to Calum's question as the two of you sat within an uncomfortable silence. "Where's her dad?" He asked, glancing over at you.

"He left." You shrugged not going into too much detail just yet. You had to ease into it.


"Yeah, well he left before she was born so," You shrugged again, finally looking over at Calum who was furrowing his eyebrows together.

"What an arsehole." Calum spat, now looking a little angered.

"He didn't know, its not his fault." You mumbled, glancing back down at you hands.

"You didn't tell him?" Calum almost gasped as you nodded. "Jesus, Y/N why not?" He sounded sympathetic at this point in the conversation.

"Because I broke up with him. He'd already left. I didn't see the point in bringing him back." You sighed, hoping he'd just realise sooner rather than later so you didn't have to spell it out for him.

"Okay but you should've told him, Y/N." He sighed. You nodded, feeling his hand graze over yours as you looked up at him. "I really would've appreciated being in the first fours years of my daughters life." You smiled sadly and nodded, feeling bad now for not telling him.

"I'm sorry, Cal."

"Its okay, baby." He smiled as he turned your hand over and as laced his fingers with yours. "I'm just happy to have you and Cameron in my life now. Theres not point in dwelling on the past."


its 1am and i'm super ficking tired so i rounded this off quite bluntly and pathetically but yh u get the gist of what happens. i might re-write the last bit into a better ending tomorrow.

this was also originally written as a chapter for a sequel to a fanfic i wrote forever and ever ago but i never published the sequel so i changed it up a bit and published it on here

oh i did this for a reader, i forget who asked now, but anyway yh! i wrote this bc someone suggested to do the whole "he finds out he's your daughters father" thing but for cal, luke & mikey too so ima do that☁️☁️

kay bye i'm actually falling asleep.

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