Anger || c.h.

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"Cal, cal, cal, cal, cal, cal, cal," You wined, continuing to tug on his arm.

"Y/N, not now, I'm trying to finish this song." He sighed but you continued to pull on his arm.

"Calum, we haven't been out all weekend." You groaned, pulling on his sleeve once more causing him to drop his pencil.

"Not now." He huffed, shrugging you off him and picking up his pencil.

"But I'm bored." You pouted but he didn't even give you a second glance.

"Well then go do something else." He muttered clearly annoyed but you ignored him and started pulling on his arm.

"Calum Thomas Hood." You said sternly. "I have been stuck in this house with you all weekend, you need a break come on." You tugged at his arm as you tried to pull him up from the piano stool.

"Y/N stop." He sighed.

"Come on Cal." You tugged harder.


"Calum come on."

"Y/N no-"


"No Y/N-"


"Y/N I said no!!" He screamed. You dropped his arm and backed away from him. He's never shouted at you before, never mind like this. "Can you please just shut up for like an hour so I can get some damn work done!!" He yelled again.

You took a few steps back, not wanting to be anywhere near him anymore. He new that you had a bad history, and he knew you hated being yelled at because of it. He promised he'd never be like that.

"You're so clingy lately, jesus christ!!" He yelled again, he kept his back to you, as you backed up a little further, hitting your head on the corner of a shelf. You fell to the floor, hugging your knees into your chest, rocking yourself back and forth.

"God, what the fuck did you break now?!" Calum snapped. You glanced up at him, tears predominantly evident in your eyes, managing to make out Calum who had now turned around to face you. "Shit." He mumbled to himself as you hid you face back between your knees.

You heard the padding of heavy footsteps hitting the floor and panicked a little, all the bad memories slowly starting to come flooding back. You shuffled back a little until you hit the wall and shook violently in the corner.

"Y/N.." He whispered, making you jump and hug your knees even tighter.

"I'm sorry, please don't hurt me." You sobbed into your knees, feeling his presence beside you. You flinched and moved aside, trying to get away from him.

"Y/N it's me Calum, I'm not going to hurt you baby, i promise." He whispered to you but you shook your head in response.

"I didn't mean it, i swear please just don't hurt me, I'm sor-." You sobbed even harder, not being able to finish your sentence, as you felt him place his hands on your shoulders.

"Baby it's Calum, look at me, please. You're dad's not going to hurt you ever again, i promise its me just open your eyes and look at me." He pleaded, shaking your shoulders.

You lifted your head out of your knees but kept your eyes shut tightly. "Baby open your eyes." He shook you vigorously. You shook your head and cried harder. "Open you eyes Y/N!!" He yelled and shook you, causing you to open your eyes. You stared at Calum dumbfounded. Wondering how it was Calum when you were so convinced it was your dad.

"Baby I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to scare you like that, i love you, I'm so sorry." He frowned, cupping your face with his hands and kissing your forehead.

You just nodded, not exactly sure on how to respond.

"How about i order pizza, you pick out some movies, and we'll have a movie night tonight, then tomorrow we'll go out together all day, just you and me?" He questioned, holding onto your hands tightly.

You nodded with a small smile. "I am really sorry Y/N..." He sighed but you shook your head and kissed his cheek.

"It's okay, I'm sorry, i shouldn't have been annoying you. I know your music means a lot to you.." You smiled a lightly.

"Okay, we're both sorry, now how bout that movie night?" He smiled widely at you and you nodded.

Before you could even protest, Calum had picked you up bridal style and was carrying you out of the practise room and downstairs into the living room. He threw you gently onto the couch and nodded towards the movies.

You spent the rest of the night cuddling, eating pizza and watching movies. You were completely over what happened between the two of you, because you knew that you were both at fault. And you both loved each other a lot. So no matter what, you'd always find yourself returning to him.


(how fucking cliché)

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