Tell Me || a.i.

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Part Two

You tugged at the ends of your sweater - ashton's sweater which you'd claimed as your own - as you sat agitatedly on the small seats at the airport. Crowds of people walked past making it impossible for you to see Ashton if he was there anyway.

You removed a headphone once you heard Ashton's plane being called through the deafeningly loud speakers. You stood yourself up, holding your slightly bumped stomach, hoping Ashton wouldn't notice straight away due to the way oversized sweatshirt you had on.

You took a deep breath, scared you were going to break down in tears the moment you saw him, but held yourself together as you made your way to his gate.

When you approached it, you could already see people walking from the small exit door carrying their bags. You were thankful the fans had been escorted outside the airport this time instead of inside as it would simply be too much.

One by one you watched parents, partners, and families reunite, waiting for your stupid boyfriend to poke his blonde mop of hair through the door and run towards you. You'd missed Ashton more than you realised, you missed hugging him most of all, which only saddened you even more knowing you couldn't hug him properly.

Your eyes widened when you saw Calum slowly exiting the door followed by Luke, Ashton and Michael. You couldn't contain your smile when you saw him. His beard was scruffier than ever, his hair longer than before, and if it was possible he managed to get even taller.

Ashton didn't see you immediately, but once he did, a smile began to etch its way onto his face. He quickly grinned before making his way towards you.

"Jesus, Y/N," He muttered when he got close enough, and for a moment you thought he'd already noticed. "I've missed you." He grinned, opening his arms to give you the biggest hug but you stopped him, holding his large hands with your little ones. He furrowed his eyebrows together and pouted.

"Ash," You stopped yourself, not able to actually say it, instead you moved his hands down, laying them on your bump.

His eyes widened as you released his hands from your grip, letting his hands rest on your stomach.

"Fuck," He mumbled. "You're pregnant?" He questioned. You nodded in reply, keeping your eyes locked on your stomach. "How far along?" He whispered.

"Almost three months now." You tried to sound okay but you knew neither of you were ready for a baby. "I'm sorry," You muttered.

"Why are you sorry? I was the one who got you pregnant," He laughed lightly, attempting to lighten the mood.

"I should told you as soon as I found out," You sighed, lifting your head to see he was smiling sadly.

"Its okay, we'll do this together." He moved his hands, locking them around your waist and pulling you closer. "I'm not leaving if thats why you look all sad," He chuckled slightly, leaning down and kissing your nose.

"I missed you, loser." You smiled, resting your arms on his chest.

"I missed you too, baby." He smiled back at you as you stood on your tiptoes and kissed him.


eh, school's killing me.

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