Love - Daughter || c.h.

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Part 2

You shook you head, not in answer to his question but in disbelief. He just couldn't realistically be standing in front of you right now after everything.

Your lip quivered and you took it in your stride to take hold of your bag, pulling out a five dollar bill and placing it in the employees hand. "Thank you." You smiled, your lip shaking even more than anticipated, causing your smile to fade rather quickly.

You then walked passed Calum, making sure to scuff his shoulder on the way out.

All these thoughts were running through your mind but the out standing was that you couldn't put yourself through this again.

"Y/N!" You ignored Calum's calling for you and quickened your pace. "Y/N, come on just talk to me, please!" You shook your head, skipping slightly as you tried to get as far away from him as quickly as possible.

You reached the escalators and turned around to see Calum running towards you. You stepped on, watching him get closer, as you descended down the moving stairs.

"Y/N, you go to that café every night, I know where you work and where you live, and not in a totally creepy way like I just made that sound, but because I know you! Y/N, I'm not gonna stop this time!" You stopped walking and turned around, watching Calum grow further and further away from you. You'd reached the bottom of the escalator at this point and you were inevitably just standing there, looking up at him because you seriously couldn't believe he had the nerve to do this.

You shook your head again. "Leave me alone." You mumbled before turning your back and walking away.


You washed your face repeatedly, rubbing yours eyes to get the image of Calum out of your head.

All you could hear was his excessive knocking at your front door. He wasn't kidding, he really wouldn't stop. Of course he would remember where you lived and where you worked and where you ate.

It was like having a stalker but you both knew there was no violation here, sooner or later Calum would give up. He gave up quick enough last time.

You dried your face off with a nearby hand towel before exiting your bathroom and entering your bedroom.

You soon enough stripped down and reached into your wardrobe where you found your usual pyjamas. You stopped and held the piece of fabric in your hands, your eyes welling up for the millionth time just today. Of course you still wore his t-shirt, you missed him, but now you couldn't bare to look at it, let alone wear it.

You let out an exasperated groan, balling your hands into fists as you squeezed your eyes shut. The few tears fell that had welled up, and before you knew it, you'd grabbed a robe and the dumb t-shirt and made it to the front door.

You swung it open seeing a pretty desperate Calum at the foot of your door. You almost forgot your original plan when you found his brown eyes staring back at you, but you shook yourself out of it and threw the t-shirt in his general direction.

"Y/N," Before he could plead his way out of it, you slammed the door shut again and walked away.

You managed to reach the small table sitting in your hallway -merely a couple feet away from the door- before you broke down. You latched onto the corner of the table to hold yourself steady before letting it all out. You didn't care how loud you were crying out at this point, you didn't care if Calum could hear every curse word you screamed at him, you didn't care that you scraped your knees when you let yourself fall onto the floor.

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