Talk || a.i.

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You walked down the hallway of the studio with a Starbucks coffee in your hand. Ashton had asked you to come to the studio with him today, you weren't entirely sure why because he'd never asked you to go before but you didn't decline.

Pushing the door further open you noticed all four boys in the recording booth, presumably recording or whatever. You entered, quietly shutting the door behind yourself, careful not to drag the attention to you.

You watched them for a minute or so before noticing that they didn't actually seem to be singing nor recording. You walked to the deck and slipped on the headphones, the sound of their voice immediately running through your ears.

"I don't know man, she's been so irritating lately." You furrowed your eyebrows together, confused as to who Ashton was talking about.

"What do you mean? Bro, she's your girlfriend." You gaped at the words coming from Luke's mouth.

"She's just been really clingy lately." Ashton shrugged. You didn't want to hear anymore, you pulled of the headphones and walked to the door of the recording booth,swiftly pushing it open. All of their wide eyes were on you, clearly anxious to see what you heard.

"I'm gonna head home, Ash." You smiled, trying not to cause too much of a scene in front of the other 3 boys.

"What? Why?" He asked, quickly removing his headphones and hanging them over the microphone.

"I don't wanna overstay my welcome." You smiled, sipping your coffee as Ashton walked over to you.

"Don't be stupid, the boys don't mind, right?" Ashton turned to face the boys who all enthusiastically agreed.

"No its fine. I'm gonna take my irritatingly clingy butt home if you don't mind." You snapped, his face dropping as you turned away and began leaving the studio.

"Y/N! Wait!" You ignored Ashton's calling for you and rushed out of the building and back into your car. You saw Ashton waiting on the curb as you pulled out and drove home.


2am and you were sitting alone in your bedroom. Ashton got home a couple hours ago but you refused to talk to him, told him he was sleeping on the couch tonight.

You were so angry at him, how could he invite you to the studio and the minute you leave start saying shit about you. You wanted to be upset and to cry it all out but you were too angry.

"Y/N," You ignored Ashton's soft calling of your name from outside your bedroom. "Y/N can I just talk to you please?" He pleaded but you continued to ignore him, maybe he'd think you were sleeping and leave. "I'm coming in if you don't willingly open up." He announced. You ignored him again, sitting with your arms folded over your chest as you pushed open the door. "Did you seriously sit there and ignore me?"

You shrugged. "Did you seriously call me irritating and clingy?" You snapped.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean it." He sighed, shutting the door behind himself and walking over to his side of the bed.

"Then what the hell did you mean it to sound like Ashton?" You raised your voice at him.

"I don't know! I was stupid. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." He pleaded. "Yeah you're a little clingy sometimes, but so am I! And sure you're irritating other times but I still love you for it." He took a seat on the bed before shuffling over so he was now sat with his legs crossed in front of you.

"Go away." You mumbled, pushing his legs away lightly.

You watched as Ashton smiled at you before moving to your side. You turned to him, confused to what he was doing. He shuffled closer to you before wrapping an arm your shoulders and pulling you into his chest.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I love you." He whispered, kissing the top of your head as you relaxed into him. You were too tired to deny him anymore.

"We're talking about this in the morning." You murmured, your eyes slowly beginning to close as Ashton played with the ends of your hair.

"Of course baby, goodnight."


this is really short and it really sucks (like my dick- lmao i hate myself) so my apologises

exams exams exams for the next two weeks but i'm trying to update as much as possible

i didn't read this over lol oops

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