Mind Over Matter - PVRIS || a.i.

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"I can see the doubt in your eyes,
You say there's no such thing as better things in life.
Well, I must confess this is all too new for me,
A whole new world, a whole new world to see.
Trust me, you'll be just fine,
I need your trust just for tonight."

"Hey Ash," You smiled warily over at your best friend. You and Ashton had lived together for two years now and never had you seen him as low and.. different as he had been acting lately.

He stared into space, his drumsticks held stationary in his hands as he sat at the foot of his drums. He'd been sitting there for almost half an hour without playing and you were beginning to worry about him.

"Ashton." You raised your voice just a little so he could hear you. His head snapped in your direction, a small smile growing on his face.

"Hey," He spoke quietly, glancing around himself to see his drums. He sighed, resting his drumsticks on his seat as he stood up.

"Do you wanna catch a movie later?" You attempted to persuade him to leave the apartment but you had little faith in him for taking up your offer.

"I actually have a lot to do tonight, but maybe another time." You nodded slowly, slightly hurt that he was blowing you off again to do nothing but sit at home.

"Sure," You turned away from Ashton, trying not to spark an argument by saying anything you shouldn't.

"Y/N?" You glanced over your shoulder to see Ashton staring down at his feet before quickly looking up at you. "Are you ok?" You furrowed your eyebrows together, confusion striking you.

"Why wouldn't I be?" You took a step back into the room, facing Ashton again.

"You seem kind of... needy lately." Ashton spoke point blank, emotion failing to show on his face. "I just wanted to make sure nothing was.. bothering you."

Your jaw seemed to clench at his words. You wondered how he could be so oblivious to his own sadness and then have the audacity to file the blame on you.

You took a deep breath and shook your head with a forced smile before quickly turning and leaving the room before either of you offended each other.

An hour and a half later and Ashton hadn't left his room. You'd sat downstairs and watched tv rather than going to the movies, you just didn't necessarily feel like going when Ashton was in a mood like this.

"So when are you gonna tell me what's up with you?" You kept your eyes focused on the screen, unfazed as Ashton sat beside you.

"Nothing's up with me."

"You booked tickets to see Insurgent tonight and didn't even go. I thought you desperately wanted to see that movie?" You pulled your knees up to your chest, grabbing a pillow and hugging it tightly as you stared at the screen.

"I'm not the problem, Ash." You mumbled.

"Did your ass of a boyfriend do something?" You shook your head to Ashton droning about your boyfriend. "Then what's wrong, Y/N?" He nudged your side with his elbow causing you to squirm slightly.

"Nothing's wrong Ash, honestly." You turned to him as he smirked over at you. "What?"

Before you could get your answer Ashton tackled you into the couch. You squealed as he took hold of both of your wrists and pined them above your head and straddling your waist, leaving you incapable of moving.

"Ashton what the hell-" He leaned down, pressing his lips onto yours. Your eyes widened, the shock of your best friend kissing you being a little too much. But you didn't not enjoy it.

You used what little sense of excitement and curiosity you had left in you to allow yourself to tilt your chin upwards and press your lips back onto his.

Ashton's grip on your wrists loosened, allowing you to move your hands to the crook of his neck, subconsciously pulling him closer towards you. You wanted more but Ashton wasn't giving you it. His hands stayed at either side of your head supporting himself and his legs still laying either side of your waist. The only thing moving was his lips against yours.

You gasped for air as your hands moved to Ashton's chest allowing you to push him inches back.

As you looked up into yours eyes you saw the look of guilt and doubt playing within them. You panicked thinking that maybe you'd taken it to far. Ashton had never gone anywhere with a girl and you had done more than everything with plenty of guys. But despite that, you always had eyes for Ashton, dating all those guys in hope he'd notice what he had in front of him but he never seemed to care.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled, glancing down at his slightly swollen lips and feeling absolutely everything but regret.

"There's no such thing as better things in life," Your eyes moved to his, the doubt still glazed over as he spoke. "But I beg to differ every day I spend with you."

You instantly broke out into a smile, his words completely reassuring you although his eyes still looked worried.

"However, you're in a relationship. So we can't happen." Your smile quickly faded as you thought of your boyfriend. Now you understood the doubt in his eyes.

You pushed Ashton back so he was sitting over you before you pushed yourself up. Ashton continued to straddle your waist and you never wanted to tell him to stop.

"This is all new to me." You mumbled. "I've never been one to commit or love anyone but fuck Ashton I've waited for you for so long." You stared up into his eyes which managed to show something you couldn't quite decipher.

"Well then, I guess your boyfriend can fuck himself."Ashton quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into him and his lips found yours again.


"Trust me, everything will be okay." Ashton mumbled, his forehead resting against yours as he took steady breaths.

"But I thought you'd never done this before?" You locked onto his eyes as his arms rested firmly around your waist.

"I'm a fast learner."



"What if I mess this up for you?" You pouted, feeling a mixture of guilt but overly joyous at the same time. You'd waited a long time for this moment and you felt slightly pressure to make it perfect.

"You'll be just fine, Y/N." Ashton smiled slightly, tilting forewords and kissing your lips quickly. "I need your trust just for tonight."

You smiled, your worries seeming to seethe from yourself with his words. "Okay."

Ashton cupped your cheeks, the both of you leaning backwards until you hit the sofa. You smiled even more as Ashton took a moment to take in all of you. "You're beautiful." He whispered before leaning in and pressing his lips onto yours.

This time you reacted immediately, knowing that no body else really mattered at that point other than your best friend.


ahHAHAHAHAHAHA this is the worst thing ever but hey jc lest us talk about 68,000 PEOPLE READING MY IMAGINES LIKE WUT IDK Y u like them so much but whatever it's cool, as long as u enjoy it✌️

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