Parents || l.h.

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"Babe, hurry up!" You yelled for about the millionth time, with only a muffled "I'm coming" in reply.

You huffed in annoyance before making your way upstairs to see what on earth was taking your boyfriend so long. You swung open your bedroom door to see Luke with his hair draped across his forehead.

"I'm almost ready i swear, i just got to do my hair," He quickly intruded before you could yell at him. "That rhymed." He giggled a little to himself before walking over to the mirror. You walked over to him and grabbed his arm.

"We're leaving." You snapped before you began pulling him to the door.

"But i haven't even done my hair!" He whined as he resisted leaving without perfecting his hair.

"Luke, we're already late, my parents are waiting!" You snapped at him, fed up with his immaturity at this point.

"But my hair..." He muttered. But you could tell this was no longer about his hair.

"I love your hair down, and I'm certain my parents will too." You stepped closer to him and held onto his hand.

"But what if they hate it." He frowned, glancing up at you wearing a small pout. You shook your head and tip toed so you could kiss his cheek.

"We're not really talking about your hair, are we, babe?" You questioned as he dropped his head.

"I hope not, cause I wasn't." He mumbled. You pouted a little before standing on your tip toes and wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Luke, I love you. And I know for sure that my parents will too. Now come on, they will hate you if we're late because you were fixing your hair." You pleaded and after careful consideration, Luke nodded.

You smiled and lifted his head with your finger, finally pressing your lips on his. You felt yourself smile into the kiss, as well as Luke, causing you to pull away. He pecked your lips once more before following you out to the car.

After a short drive, you finally arrived at the restaurant. You held onto Luke's hand as you entered, immediately finding your parents, already sat at your table. You let go of Luke's hand before running over to your parents, having not seen them in a long time.

"Mum! Dad!" You hugged the both of them tightly, your smile never leaving your face. As you pulled away, you stepped back and held onto Luke's hand, who had now followed you to your side. "Mum, Dad, this is Luke, my boyfriend." You smiled as you glanced up at Luke who looked like he might cry. He looked beyond nervous, but nonetheless he gave your mum a hug, and shook your dad's hand, exchanging greetings to each other.

You spent the whole night, laughing, talking and eating with your parents and Luke. Luke seemed to loosen up a little bit once your dad started asking him about his career, and of course Luke being Luke, he completely lit up and talked for god knows how long about the band and his music. Turned out your dad and Luke have a lot in common.

You spent the whole on the dinner holding on to Luke's hand. When the night was over, you bid your goodnights and walked back to the car. You still held tightly onto Luke's hand, watching as he lifted them and placed a chaste kiss onto the back of your hand. You smiled as he let a huge grin overtake his face.

"I told you they'd love you!" You smiled brightly as he nodded.

"You did, Y/N." He shook his head with a smile. "Your parents are great." Luke's smile didn't falter once, glancing down at you.

"I love you." You smiled, happy that everything went perfectly.

Luke stopped himself, pulling you into his embrace and wrapping his arms around your waist. "I love you more." He leaned down to reach your level before catching your lips with his, his hands slowly moving along your body till he reached your face, cupping your cheeks lightly.


I'm writing a fan fiction so i always forget to post on this one, sorry.

these imagines are almost on 1k, which is insane because i only started these not so long ago.

Thank you.
i love you💓

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