Speeches || a.i.

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you untucked your seat from under the table and extended your legs so you were standing up in the mist of the largely crowded room. you gulped down on the lump in your throat before you walked into the middle of the small dance floor, in search of a working microphone.

when the dj came down from his stage and handed you one, you thanked him and repositioned yourself in front of the crowded room.

you cleared your throat into the microphone to test it was actually on, and when you heard the echo you spoke up. "if i could have you attention for a short time, please," you mumbled. all heads turned and focused on you and you had to stop yourself from running out because you knew this was important to y/f/n. she was the bride and you were her friend, her maid of honour, and it was imperative that you made this speech.

"um, hi," you smiled, attempting to play off your nerves with a short wave. "my names, y/n, and i am the brides, maid of honour, her right hand man, her go-too-gal," you scrunched up your nose to that last one and a small release of laughter emitted throughout the room.

you looked in y/f/n's direction as she focused on you with a smile. you noticed that she was holding tightly onto luke's hand, who was glancing her way every now and then, just to keep an eye on her. you saw him glance this time and focus on her completely before smiling and leaning into her ear. you watched him mouth i love you and y/f/n's smile grew even bigger before she mouthed i love you more to him, her gaze not once leaving yours, even though her full attention was on luke as he kissed just below her ear and turned back to you.

you rested your head onto ashton's shoulder and in return he tilted his head slightly, kissing the top of your head, lingering afterwards. "i love you."

you smiled at his mumbled words and nuzzled into his neck. "i love you more."

you shook your head and glanced around the room to keep your eyes moving. "i've known both luke and y/f/n, for the absolute longest time." you forced a smile onto your lips, trying to stop your eyebrows from furrowing together because you knew your facade would collapse completely.

"our parents were all very close so of course we grew up as the best of friends. the three amigos." you smiled for real that time because the memory was uplifting. "we went through everything together. nursery school to primary school to high school. we watched each other grow up. i, on the other hand, had the gracious honour of watching the two fall in love." when your eyes met with y/f/n's you noticed the tears growing in her eyes and you almost felt bad for making her cry but she was wearing a smile.

"y/f/n, i remember the first time you realised that luke was, the one, so to speak. and you ran up to me in the hallway and we talked and talked and talked, we even got detention for talking in class, and in detention we talked again." another round of quiet laughter was released and you smiled weakly. "you were a friend to me in ways no one else ever could be, and i am so thankful to have shared my life, to this point, with a best friend like you by my side." you felt all eyes on you both when you watched y/f/n let a few tears slip. "i'm so beyond happy that you were able to find the boy you always dreamed about. even if it took you ten years to realise he was always right beside you." when y/f/n whispered a thank you in your direction rather than luke's, you just smiled and nodded.

"now with the groom over here, i was the one luke would come to in the early hours of the morning because of how badly he was struggling in telling this girl that he liked her. and i remember telling him to talk to y/f/n about it and how he freaked out and woke up my parents at three in the morning. inevitably they left us to it because luke explained how he was having a girl crisis, and they knew he was my best friend and of course, even now, ten years later, he still is." you smiled in luke's direction as he blushed to your short story.

"sixteen was the unfortunate age in which we all became the moodiest and unsettling teenagers you could ever meet." the room choked out a small grumble of laughter. "our luke made actual guy friends, as well as, y/f/n and i making friends of our own. some of who are here today." y/f/n shook her head in a warning but you mouthed, it's okay, as your reply. "cal and mikey and sara and angie and of course-" you paused and brought back the force behind your smile as your eyes met with his. "ashton- the best man."

you gulped on the lump in your throat before moving on. "from that age onwards, us three musketeers, expanded and through various squabbles and relationships that were created, we all remained as close as ever." you found yourself choking up as you couldn't seem to avoid his stare.

"i'm thankful to have friends like these two. and i'm even more thankful they were so incredibly fortunate to fall so hard, with someone as loving as each other, guaranteed to catch them." you felt the tears filling up your eyes as you voice shook now and then.

you sniffled, glancing down at your feet, immediately making the welling tears fall quickly. you moved the microphone away from yourself as you hiccuped. you let yourself compose for a moment before you took a deep breath and you looked back up at the silent guests with an obviously fake, smile.

you glanced over at y/f/n and luke briefly. "thank you for being the best, best friends a girl could ask for." you then manoeuvred your attention to ashton who was sat in awe of your actions. you stared him deeply, in the eyes. "i can only wish that i will be as lucky as you both, to be in love with someone so beautifully genuine."

you let the mic slip from your hand and before you could register your actions, you were running for the exit.


ok i found these two audios on tumblr & i've been listening to one on repeat whilst writing this. its named "We Keep Missing Each Other" and its on pfftclifford's acc (go on the master list and the whole "sound and visual imagines" and you'll see it under michael's name), its basically all the audios from the movie Love Rosie mixed in w this beautiful song & i just fucking love iT !!!!!!!!!!

also wtf is this album bullshit & fly away like i was not prepared for this 5sos i thought we would at least get some sort of notice or clue but nO it was a bombshell & i wasn't ready

lmao i'm excited for it tho fr !!!!!!!

i got bored & didn't read this over soz

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