Fix You - Coldplay || a.i.

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"When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep,

Stuck in reverse,

And the tears come streaming down your face,

When you lose something you can't replace,

When you love someone, but it goes to waste,

Could it be worse?"

The only people awake at 2am are the lonely and the loved. Right now, you were didn't feel like you fit into either of those categories. You were alone, but you did not feel lonely. You were loved, but by the wrong people.

You tried countless times to sleep but you just couldn't. It was impossible. You were wide awake staring at the ceiling. Your lip quivered as you tried to hold back the tears. How could this be happening? You were just beginning to get better. You found him and he promised you. He promised he would try and fix you. But now here you are lying awake in the middle of the night on the verge of tears because he's not next to you. It felt like everything was going backwards, like everything you had spent so longer rebuilding had just been knocked down within a couple of minutes.

The tears were now freely streaming down your face as you choked on your breath. You bit down hard on your bottom lip as your hand flew to your mouth, trying to contain yourself. But it was no use, the tears were falling hard and fast.

You lost him. You lost him and he couldn't be replaced, he never could be. You were so fucked up it pushed him away. You couldn't help being that way, you couldn't help that you were sad and insecure. You thought he had accepted that, but apparently not. You just loved him so much it hurt to even think about him. All the love you gave him went to waste. Everything that you two ever had together had gone. You were so caught up in everything that was going on with him that you pushed your previous thoughts away, and now he's not around, all those thoughts were coming back.

Tears streamed down your face as you hiccuped, trying to catch your breath. You sat up from your bed, rushing to the bathroom. You stood in front of the mirror, staring at the mess in front of you. Your hair was tousled, bags showing clearly under your eyes, tears still running down your cheeks. You pulled your jumped sleeve down a little so it was covering your hand and began wiping away the tears, but it proved to be difficult as the tears wouldn't stop.

Could it be worse?


this was so short and really bad and i'm so sorry. i just wanted to update something

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