Cold || a.i.

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Part Two

As soon as you walked out the door you regretted it. It was near freezing outside and you had left your coat inside.

Cradling yourself, you began to walk, you didn't know exactly where you were going, but you just needed to clear your head.

You finally found a little park and sat down at a park bench, pulling your knees to your chest, releasing a few tears.

How could he believe an article over his girlfriend? You'd always trusted him, especially when he was on tour. You would wait months for him to get back from the millions of girls falling at his feet and now he can't even trust you with this.

You tried not to cry too much, but you were finding it difficult.

You heard someone sit beside you. Internally you were a little scared, but instead of doing anything irrational, you simply untucked you legs, and stood up, beginning to walk away.

"Y/N," His voice cracked.

You stopped walking, recognising his voice immediately. You turned slowly, seeing Ashton stood with his hands buried in his pockets. His eyes were slightly red, and his cheeks flushed.
Your breath hitched as he walked towards you. You attempted to keep your guard up, and quickly wiped under your eyes.

"Don't do that again." He sighed, finally reaching you. You furrowed your eyebrows in slight annoyance, but before you could say anything, he wrapped his arms tightly around your shoulders, holding you close. "I was worried sick, you idiot." He mumbled, resting his head in the crook of your neck, instantly beginning to warm you up. sorry i didn't believe you. Of course i believe you over a stupid magazine. "I'm so sorry." He murmured, refusing to pull away and look at you. You didn't respond, you simply nodded, wrapping your arms around his torso and hugging him tightly.

"Ash.." You whispered, but he quickly hushed you.

"You're ruining the moment." He giggled lightly, pulling back slightly - keeping his arms around you - and looking down at you. He kissed your forehead, lingering there a little as he moved his hands from your shoulders to your face. He cupped your cheeks, rubbing soft circles on your skin as he moved down and kissed you nose. You blushed a little as he moved down so he was level with your lips. "I love you, i'm sorry for being stupid." He smiled a little, running his fingers lightly across your lips.

"You're always stupid." You smirked.

He rolled his eyes. "Shut up." He leaned in just a little, instantly connecting his lips with yours.

"I love you too, Ash."


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