Another Member Tells You He Likes You || Muke

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"Calum can i talk to you?" You asked, pulling on his arm to guide him away from the three other boys. He nodded with a smile and followed you into the kitchen.

"Whats up baby sis?" He smiled brightly, but it quickly faded as he saw the stress evidently showing on your face.

"Can you keep a secret?" You asked causing him to nod. "Promise? And i mean, you can't tell Luke, Ash or Michael either." You sighed running your fingers through your hair. Calum chuckled and took a step towards you, resting his hand on your shoulder.

"I promise. Now come on, it can't be that bad." He breathed a laugh, moving his arm back by his side but you stayed quiet.

"Well its not bad i guess.. i just don't want you to freak out on me." You sighed, looking guiltily down at your hands.

"And why would i freak out on you?" He giggled confusedly.

You sighed.

"Is it maybe because you and Luke secretly love each other but are yet to admit it to one another." Calum raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest.

Your eyes widened. "He likes me?"

"No," Calum scoffed. Your heart rate increased rapidly causing an overwhelming feeling to cry to spark in you. "He's stupidly in love with my baby freaking sister."


You laughed as you watched Ashton trying to play Fifa against Michael. You all knew it wouldn't end well seeing as Ashton just wasn't good at video games, but Michael insisted.

"Man, just stop you're embarrassing yourself." Michael chuckled as he scored his 7th goal at only 30 minutes in.

"Whatever, just play with your girlfriend then." Ashton sighed frustratedly and threw the controller at you. You laughed and ignored his comment about you being Michael's 'girlfriend' before picking up the controller and moving so you were sat beside Michael.

"No, Ash i'm sorry. I was joking. Come back." Michael pouted, grabbing onto Ashton's hand, stopping him from leaving the room.

"What? Dude, i'm doing you a favour. I thought you'd be happy to be alone with her." Ashton smirked as Michael's cheeks flushed.

"Um, guys, i'm right here?" You furrowed your eyebrows together, not understanding why they were talking about this right in front of you but they both just completely ignored you and continued to talk anyway.

"Yeah, but she'll beat me. I gotta look good man," Michael whined.

"You're such an idiot," Ashton giggled.

"Agreed." You smiled innocently as Michael glared at you.

"Shut up." He mumbled.

"You know, Michael's like in love with you." Ashton blurted out, smirking at Michael.

Your eyes widened as you glanced over at Michael who was blushing even harder.

"Really?" You questioned, Michael staying quiet.

"Of course you idiot. He's crazy for you."


(so i probably wont update a lot bc i have my mocks this week, so yeah, i'll try and write as much as i can when they're over🐏) (pls do comment, y'all seem like cool people, i wanna talk🐡)

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