Fluff || c.h.

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You sat alone at the island planted in the middle of your kitchen, sipping on your almost-cold-tea. You stared aimlessly at your computer screen, scrolling through your twitter mentions, laughing at various links and memes that fans had tagged you in that led to something dumb or funny about the band.

When you came across another link to do with Calum, you opened it up to see an entire page dedicated to the numerous amounts of girls he'd be photographed with over the years. Some were taken before the two of you even started dating but a large portion of them were from more recently.

You sighed and jumped off the tall standing chair you had been sat on and walked over to the sink with your mug in hand, cleaning it out before flipping the kettle on.

You were pretty and you could admit that with no doubt but, Calum had a tendency to attract girls with - to stay it lightly - a better physique, than you had. It'd never really bothered you all that much, but obviously now and then you had your doubts and your worries about how many girls he really did attract that weren't you.

You were snapped out by the boiling of the kettle and poured the hot water into your mug before throwing in a teabag and continuing to make your cup of tea.

"I really don't know how you drink that stuff," You heard Calum's monotonous voice from behind you, but you simply shrugged before adding the milk and sugar to your mug that momentarily contained only the hot water and tea bag and finally stirring it all together.

You turned around with your mug in hand and cautiously sipped at the drink as you eyed Calum. He was somewhat dressed up, so of course he was going out with the other three boys.

"Going out?" You mumbled, scooting passed him and back onto your high standing stool. You returned your attention to the screen where you again saw the infamous page containing all of the pictures of Calum and his many girl-friends.

"Yeah." He leaned down and kissed you quickly, scrunching up his nose afterwards. "Ew, you taste like tea."

You smiled and pushed him in the direction of the door. "Just go,"

Calum laughed as he walked towards the front door before turning to you and guiding himself backwards. "I don't know what time I'll be back but I'm just going out with Mikey tonight."

You raised an eyebrow before picking up your mug. "Yeah, I'm sure you are." You mumbled, before sipping at you tea, trying to ensure he didn't hear you.


"Nothing." You gulped, placing your mug down and swirling yourself around to face your laptop again.

"'I'm sure you are' ? What's that supposed to mean?" You noticed Calum had walked back over to you now and was watching you from your side.

"Nothing, nothing." You sipped your tea again because really you didn't want to start anything up.

"No. Tell me what you meant."

You rolled your eyes at his demand and tilted your head to the side. "I'm not going to answer you if you're gonna demand me to do something, Calum."

This time Calum rolled his eyes. "Why do you have to be such an active feminist all the time?" He sighed, before bringing himself round to the other side of the island, now facing you. "I'm asking you, what did you mean?"

You smiled and looked up at him. "What did I mean by what?"

You watched as he sank down onto the marble worktop and groaned in frustration as you released a small laugh at how easily he was wound up.

"Okay. I just meant, that you know, you just spend a lot of time out with the boys, and thats okay! I like that you hang out with them, but you just, attract a lot of girls attention." You tried to even your tone out so you didn't sound like a obsessive and possessive girlfriend.

"So?" He furrowed his eyebrows tightly together and you could already tell this pissed him off. "This never bothered you before? Why does it bother you now?"

You shrugged and glanced down at the laptop screen where all the pictures lay. "Well before, you didn't have a page dedicated to you and every girl you've been seen with over the past couple years." You sighed and turned the laptop around so Calum could see and you immediately felt bad for even bringing it up when you saw his expression.

"Y/N, I love you. These girls just jump on us any chance we're in front of a camera." He shut the laptop and tried to sound as calm as possible but you were kinda upset about the whole thing.

"You know that I like myself, right? Like, I have no problem with how I look or anything?" He nodded as you tried to be clear so you weren't giving him the wrong impression. "Well, I just wonder sometimes if you really would just want to go for one of those other girls with huge tits and especially the arses because I know your more of an arse kinda guy." You shrugged because it was true, but quickly tried to get back on track. "I just think that its weird that you went for me because I'm so, okay. You could go out and party and get laid every night by these stunning girls, instead of having to restrict yourself because your boring girlfriends at home in her pyjamas drinking coffee and watching star wars." You laughed at yourself for that last one because it was so true and you really did sound so much lamer when you said it aloud.


"No, please don't see me as clingy or dumb but I'm just so tired of thinking that you are holding yourself back from something because of me. I want you to be happy, Cal."

Calum returned to your side and you used your arms, waving them viciously around in the air to get your swivelling chair to turn so you could face him. Calum smiled so big you could see the little crinkles by his eyes, and quickly you were back to being confused.

He rested his hands on your shoulders and turned you around the rest of the way so you were properly facing him before he leaned down just a touch and pressed his lips to your forehead.

You looked down at the floor to see Calum flinging his shoes across the kitchen and loosening his pants a little to get himself more comfortable.

"For starters, we're going to stay in tonight, order Chinese food and watch all six of the star wars movies until the crack of dawn or at least until either of us fall asleep."

"You don't have to cancel your-" Your words cut to an abrupt halt as Calum used his index finger to hush you.

"Second off, I love that you sit at home and watch star wars movies in your pyjamas. And even though I tell you I hate tea, I like that you always have that lingering smell of it, because its you. And I love you." Your eyebrows furrowed together in disbelief of how kind he was being about the entire situation.

"And third off, I happen to really love your arse." You giggled at his attempt at your accent and Calum smiled along with you.

"I really love you, a lot." You grinned really big because you felt so lucky.

"I know," Calum used that voice that comes out when you try to speak but your smiling too much to sound normal. "You never have to worry about anyone of those girls. I promise you that right now. I can blow them off for my beautifully dorky girlfriend any day," You laughed and hit him lightly. "But I could never lose you for any of them."


omg this was so fluffy i'm so happy with this my heart is so full and happy and ugh CaLUM

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