please read

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I know I haven't posted in a while but I can't bring myself to write about the guys anymore because I'm so uninterested in their lives and their careers and anything to do with them.

I know I may have one or two imagines that need part two's and so that might be the only other thing I post onto this imagines book.

I guess this is it. But thank you so so much to everyone who has read these imagines, 92k is a lot more than I've ever gotten on a book and more than I even imagined, it's so insane.

I'm still writing here and there but nothing to do with 5sos, it's all fictional stories about fictional people all from my own head, no more fan fiction for me. I probably won't ever post any stories despite what they're about so I just wanted to take a moment to thank those who were so dedicated and read every imagine and voted consistently and comment frequently, I seriously, seriously appreciate it so much.

Alright, I might work on any part two's because I know there's still that Calum imagine that a few people have asked a part two for, but other than that, this is goodbye for now.

You guys are the chillest and nicest people, thank you for everything.

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