He Finds Out He's Your Daughters Father || a.i.

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You walked down the shopping isle, pushing your trolly along, making silly faces at your 3 year old daughter in an attempt to get her to stop crying.

"Liv, can you please stop crying." You groaned, pushing your trolly down the isle as you looked for bread.

"Mummy." She pouted her lip.

"Baby just help me find the bread okay?" You asked. She nodded as you lifted her out of the trolly and onto her feet. She grinned before running down the isle. She ran up to a man, who had his back to her and started tugging on his arm. "Olivia!" You scaled before rushing towards her, leaving the trolly behind. You quickly picked her up before the stranger could turn around. He happened to be on the phone so maybe it wouldn't be too bad.

"I'll call you back." You heard him speak through the line before quickly turning around. Your eyes widened and you froze, just as he did. "Y/N?" He questioned. You smiled a little trying to keep Liv facing the opposite direction to him.

"Ashton, Hi." You replied awkwardly. "I'm sorry, i'm in a bit of a rush." You apologised and he nodded.

"But mummy, we need bread!" Liv wined as she pointed to the bread that was stacked behind Ashton. You watched as Ashton giggled before turning, grabbing a loaf of bread and handing it to Liv.

"Here you go, cutie." He smiled as Liv took the bread and giggled. You immediately coughed trying to disguise her, instantly recognisable laugh. You winced as you saw his smile falter. "Y/N, i didn't know you had a daughter?" Ashton questioned as he took a step closer to you, not taking his eyes off Liv. You took a step back and turned Liv away from him so he could no longer see her.

"Yeah? Well, a lot has changed since we broke up Ashton." You smiled down at Liv who was hugging the loaf of bread. You weren't bitter or angry with Ashton, you broke up on good terms, you both decided it was for the best because his band was getting bigger which would only make it harder for the two of you. And besides, you broke up 3 and a half years ago, so what did it matter that you have a child now?

"Y/N, you know thats not what i meant." He said a little harshly as he took a step towards you again. "Hey sweetie, what's your name?" Ashton asked Liv who was still hugging her loaf of bread, but looked up at Ashton.

"Olivia." She smiled at him. "Whats your name?" She asked. You smiled at her politeness and kissed the side of her head.

"I'm Ashton, its nice to meet you." Ashton smiled down at her. Liv reached one arm out in Ashton's direction and grabbed onto his hand.

"Olivia." You warned but Ashton brushed it off and mouthed to you 'its okay'. Liv wrapped her little hand around one of Ashton's fingers and stared at it in awe.

"Your fingers are so big!" She giggled. You winced again and watched as Ashton smile faltered once more.

"Hey Olivia?" Ashton leaned down a little so he was eye level with her, as she continued to play with his hand, moving her gaze to Ashton.

"Hey Ashton." She grinned back at him, causing her dimples to clearly show. You cursed under your breath as Ashton's smile dropped completely from his face.

"Liv, how old are you?" Ashton asked. Your eyes widened and before you could turn and walk away, she had already answered.

"I'm 3!" She giggled excitedly. Ashton turned to face me and glared at me.

"Where's her dad?" Ashton raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You're her dad Ashton." You mumbled quietly.

"What?" He asked, clearly not hearing you the first time.

"You are her dad Ashton!" You raised your voice as he stared at you. He must have stared at you for a good 3 minutes before he finally gulped down and managed to speak.

"For fuc-"

"Don't swear in front of her!" You snapped and covered Liv's ears.

"Sorry." He muttered. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked a lot calmer than earlier.

"Because we broke up Ashton! You were starting to get big with the band and i didn't want to tie you down just because your ex-girlfriend was having your child." You shrugged a little.

"Y/N that's ridiculous. You wouldn't tie me down and neither would Liv. I want to be apart of her life, i don't want her growing up like i did, without a father." He sighed. It took you a minute or so to process what was going on but you managed to compose yourself and reply.

"I don't know Ash, i mean, we broke up." You sighed.

"We broke up because of the band. That doesn't mean i don't still love you." He huffed.

"I still love you too Ash, but we can't just fix things like this. You're going to be touring with your band a lot." You explained as he nodded.

"I know, but we'll make it work. I mean, right now i've got 3 months break until touring starts again. And even when the tour starts, you and Liv can come visit all the time." He was pouting slightly as he explained all the possibilities.


"Mummy?" Liv asked as you turned to face her. "Is this my daddy?" She asked. You bit back a smile as you turned to see Ashton had a small smile on his face, before turning back to Liv.

"Actually, baby, he is." You smiled a little as her eyes lit up.

"Really?!" She grinned as she turned to Ashton.

"Really." Ashton answered for me with the biggest smile on his face.

"Where've you been?" She tilted her head a little as your eyes widened just a little.

"Daddy's been playing music, but he's here now, Liv." You explained as Liv nodded. She quickly grinned and held her arms open in Ashton's direction. Ash looked at you, silently asking for permission to hold her. "She's your daughter, Ash. Of course you can hold her." You giggled lightly as he took hold of her, clutching tightly onto her.

You laughed a little as Liv leaned in and stayed close to Ashton's face, as if taking in every detail of him.

"You're pretty daddy." She smiled as she poked Ashton's cheek causing him to giggle.

"Why thank you, but do you know who else is pretty?" Ashton whispered.

"Who?" She giggled excitedly.

"Your mummy." He grinned as Liv nodded in agreement. "And you of course, princess." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. You mentally awed at how good he was with her already.

You watched as Liv continued to look at Ashton, feeling around his face as he pulled silly faces making her laugh.

"Uncle Mikey always said i looked like my daddy but i don't know, mummy what do you think?" Liv asked, turning to face you. You smiled as the two of them stared at you, they did look scarily alike. The same eyes, same hair colour, same nose, same dimples, same laugh. It was uncanny resemblance.

"I think Uncle Mikey was right." You smiled.

"Uncle Mikey?" Ashton gritted through his teeth. "Michael knew about her and i didn't?" he snapped.

"I'm sorry, Michael's my best friend, i had to tell someone. Don't yell at him though, i told him not to tell you." You quickly explained as he sighed and nodded.

"It doesn't matter, i get to see her now and thats all that matters." He smiled and Liv rested her head in the crook of Ashton's neck as Ash left a kiss on her head.

"I love you daddy, can you stay? I don't want you to leave again." Liv whispered, clearly not wanting me to hear, but i sill could hear them.

"I love you too honey. I'm not leaving you, i promise."


((i'm sorry for not updating in so long))

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