Oridinary Girl - Hannah Montana || l.h.

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you walked into your shared living room, taking a seat in hope that somehow magically, luke would already be there to pull you out of the slump you were in today. but of course he'd driven upstate for a studio day and wouldn't be home till late tonight.

you took a deep sigh, finding this entire relationship hard work. you loved Luke and his job was amazing, he got to do what he loved every single day, but you really hated it sometimes.

you would always complain to luke about how much it sucked to have him away for the most of the time and he would simply nod and say yeah i know babe but its my job and you'd pout and nod because you knew that it was important to him. luke would kiss your forehead and say i love you no matter where i am and you'd nod again and say ditto.

you understood everything he had to do what necessary but stuff like flying back and forth for interviews and appearances and various other forms of promotion really bothered you. especially promotion and work that's always so close to home because he was literally, so close but so far away.

you flung off your uncomfortable shoes and heavy coat and pulled out your phone. as you dialled Luke's number you hit the speaker button and sprawled yourself across the sofa.

his voiced was hushed when he finally picked up. "hey babe, hold on," you heard him shuffling around, the opening and closing of doors and eventually he picked up where he left off. "how're you? how was work?" you smiled at his immediate concern as you were never one to pester him with phone calls when you knew he was working. you'd just send him a short text telling him goodnight because you knew he wouldn't be home before you fell asleep and that you loved him a lot. and he would say goodnight also and tell you he was sorry and before you would go to sleep he would send you an audio message of him just talking about his day and how productive or unproductive he had been and what songs he was working on or how michael was being a jerk to him for talking about how good his breakfast was because he ate some really good cereal or how extra-rugged ashton looked today because he was growing out his facial hair and that would bring him onto calum and his hairless chest but how he still loved him because he gave him the best cuddles when you weren't there to do so. he send you off with an i love you and you'd smile ear to ear when he begin his usual lullaby and slowly you'd fall asleep. routine.

"today sucked ass, but thanks for asking." you heard him release a short laugh before he covered it with a small cough.

"was it your dumb boss again?" you nodded despite the fact luke couldn't actually see you but that didn't matter because he already knew he was right.

"yeah," you rolled your lip into a small pout. "and there was this new kid whose like half my age and thinks its really funny to throw paper balls at me and tell me I'm hot any chance he gets." you cut your little rant short and released a exasperated sigh, trying not to cry because everything seemed so terrible.

"baby, I'm sorry." you shrugged, staying quiet because you didn't want to talk, you just wanted to listen to luke's voice and his thick accent and imagine he was actually sitting with you and not hours away.

you listened to his uneven breathing and closed your eyes as you pulled down the comforter that hung over your sofa and wrapped it around yourself.

"we finished a song today," he spoke up and you nodded with a small smile, happy that they were progressing with their new album. you hadn't heard anything because luke was too much of a rule player to let you in on anything new. you'd asked him multiple times to just give you a sneak peak of absolutely anything and he would always reply with his monotonic you'll have to wait like everyone else and you'd get fake upset with and tell him that you weren't everyone else and luke would nod and tell you that he knows that you're not everyone else because he loves you more than everyone else and you would smile and tell him to shut up and luke would smile and tell you he was a truther.

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