Wait || Ashton

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"Y/N?" You heard Ashton yell as soon as you entered your shared apartment. "Y/N is that you?" He yelled from upstairs.

"No its a fucking murderer." You muttered under your breath as you threw your keys down on the counter. You dragged your feet along to the living room, dropping your coat on the floor in the process and flinging off your shoes before slumping into the couch. You laid down, feeling yourself start to doze off as your boss made you work late again and you were so tired you could barely move.

"Y/N?" You heard Ashton speak from behind you, you jumped and stirred from your - almost - sleep. You groaned internally at the fact he sounded kind of pissed off. "Y/N?" He repeated himself more sternly. You rolled over on the couch and looked up at him and smiled slightly.

"Hey babe." You greeted but ended up yawning into it. He rolled his eyes and you furrowed your eyebrows at him. You groaned externally this time, now realising he actually was angry at you for one reason or another and it was only going to lead to another argument. You've been non stop arguing for the past couple of weeks, and between the arguing and late work hours, you've really started to grow tired of everything.

You loved Ash but all you two ever did was argue.

"Don't 'hey babe' me." He snapped. You rolled your eyes already done with this conversation. "Don't roll your eyes at me either!" He said raising his voice. You groaned and sat up, running you hands over your face through shear exhaustion.

"Maybe you should stop telling me what to do." You murmured into your hands, hoping he wouldn't hear you.
"The least you can do is look at me when I'm talking to you for gods sake Y/N!" He said now beginning to yell. You only ignored him and stood up from the couch, beginning to walk away from him.

"Whatever. I'm too tired to argue." You snapped, walking towards your bedroom. As you reached the stairs you felt Ash snatch at your wrist and pull you back. "Ow." You pouted, rubbing your wrist where Ashton's grip was tightened. "Ash what the hell?" You wined as you tried pulling your wrist away from him but his grip was too tight. "Ash you're hurting me, stop." You pleaded, slightly scared from never having to come across Ashton acting like this.

He immediately let go, your hand flying to your reddened wrist, rubbing it harshly.

He pulled his phone from his pocket and passed it to you, quickly skimming over the article before shoving it back in his hand. It was another stupid story about you cheating on Ash. You were just about done with these articles, it not being the first time this had happened to you. All the fans seemed to hate you for just dating Ashton, it was pathetic.

"What, you actually believe that?" You frowned.

"Well when my girlfriend has been 'working late' every night this week and never spends any time with me anyway. Then yeah i guess i do believe it." He gritted his teeth as he clenched his fists tightly. You felt your heart sink a little but you were overtaken by the anger seething inside of you.

"So you're believing a damn news article, over your girlfriend?" Your voice raising as he nodded.

"Okay then go ahead and believe it." You snapped, walking to the door as you felt tears building in my eyes purely due to frustration. You pulled open the door, turning to close it when you saw Ashton. He was angry but as soon as a tear slipped from your eye, his face softened.

"Wait, Y/N-" before he could finish you slammed the door behind you.


(first vine, wooo)

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