Everyday || l.h.

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You watched him from afar as he strummed along to Beside You, watching him watching Calum sing the lines.

Your hand covered your mouth, fingertips brushing against your lips as you watched him with an abundance of pride and love.

His mouth hung open just a little bit, something he always did whilst under a mass amount of concentration. He stepped forewords, immediately taking centre stage as he sang the words to the chorus.

His overgrown eyebrows pressed tightly together as he focused on the crowd of sing-a-long followers that also watched him with just as much amazement as you did.

He stepped back for a couple seconds in the middle of his line, listening to his crowd singing the lines loud and clear. A small smile formed on his lips, as he praised them with a nod and returned to the microphone.

You sang along with him quietly, next to the stage directors that watched you in amusement. You didn't really care though, your boyfriend had made it and you were too proud to care what anyone else thought.

Luke glanced backstage, his pool blue eyes meeting yours. He sent you a quick wink before finishing his line. You clamped your hands tightly over your mouth now, trying to contain your excitement for him. You were giddy, probably happier for him than he was.

All four of the guys bided a farewell to the beautiful crowd of fans that spent the entire show singing along to every song just as you had. You were probably their biggest fan and had been since day one.

Calum was the first to exit the stage, his sweaty self immediately perking up when he saw you. The adrenaline was clearly still with him from the show as he lifted you from your feet and held onto you tightly.

The both of you chuckled as you pulled away from each other, allowing you to quickly greet Ashton who'd just exited the stage.

"You guys were amazing!" You beamed, adrenaline still pumping through you and you seemed a little too giddy.

"Thanks baby." You turned to see your sweaty boyfriend handing his guitar to one of the stage directors before returning his attention to you.

Your smile instantaneously grew when his arms opened wide for you. You ran to his arms without hesitation, ignoring the stench and sweat that consumed him and instead concentrating on his embrace.

You waved at the a sweat-ridden Michael who had followed behind Luke before pulling out of his hug. You were about to speak but you swallowed your words when Luke leaned himself down and pressed his lips to yours. You smiled into the kiss causing the two of you to pull away simultaneously.

"Someones in a good mood." You spun on your heels and follows the three other boys, who'd conveniently left the moment any pda was in sight, into their dressing room.

Luke nudged past you to reach for a towel and wiped himself down just as the rest of the boys had been doing when you entered. You propped yourself against the couch watching as the half naked boys took in turns to shower, Ashton being the first considering he's always the one that reeks the most.

Luke took moments out of his conversation with the two remaining boys to glance over at you, every time he caught your eye he'd shoot you a smile and draw his attention back to Calum's rambling.

You watched him wrap his towel around his head before rubbing vigorously, his hair sticking up in all directions due to its dampness. You loved how his hair didn't ever seem to look bad.

He released a short laugh, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards as he left his mouth hang open for a minute before quickly taking his lip ring back between his teeth.

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