The Fame Gets To Him || l.h.

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"Luke!" You shouted from the living room where you were currently lying on the couch. When there was no response from him you found yourself yelling him again. "Luke!!" you shouted again but yet again he didn't answer. You groaned before pushing yourself up of the couch and up to the bedroom where you figured he'd be. "Luke, jesus christ, what are you doing?! the movie is-" you were cut off by Luke who, as soon as he saw you, ran towards you and covered your mouth with his hands. You licked his hands and he instantly pulled away.

"Ew, Y/N!" He squealed but you stared straight at him waiting for him explanation to why you had been waiting downstairs for half an hour without him. "Can you just go away please, i'm trying to write." he snapped at you, causing you to feel taken back.

"What?" you questioned.

"Do i need to spell it out for you Y/N? Come on, i was the one that dropped out of school, not you." he rolled his eyes. You raised your eyebrows at him waiting for the insults to continue. He had been acting a little different lately and you tried not to mention it but he was pushing it tonight. "Why are you still here? I said i was writing, its important." He snapped. You decided against fighting back and instead decided to dig at him till he noticed his attitude stunk.

"Whatever Luke." You rolled your eyes before turning away from him.


"Hey babe, what're you watching?" Luke asked before sitting beside you. You ignored him, still pissed with the way he acted towards you earlier. "Babe?" He repeated but you continued to ignore him, keeping your eyes on the tv. "I'm talking to you." He snapped, raising his hand and clutching his fingers round your chin and turning your head so you were looking at him. You quickly slapped his hand away before shoving him away from you.

"Go away." you huffed.

"Talk about PMS moments." He rolled his eyes causing your mouth to drop open in shock.

"Are you being serious right now Luke?!" you said raising your voice.

"Yeah, PMS, someone's clearly a hormonal mess." He scoffed at you. You stood up from the couch beginning to walk away from him. "Wait, baby, where're you going?" he called after you.

"As far away from you as possible." You snapped as you reached your shared bedroom. You walked inside before turning to see Luke running up the stairs, but before he could reach you, you slammed the door in his face and locked it behind you.


"Baby can you stop being for over dramatic and open the door." Luke sighed as he knocked on the door again. You grew impatient and strode over to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open.

"Can you please stop being such a jerk for like a minute and get your head out of your arse because you're pissing me off." You spoke a little too quickly but you knew he understood you.

"What ate you trying to say?" He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm saying that you need to chill out. You need a break. Lately you've been acting like a dick and i don't like it." You snapped at him.

"I don't need to chill out Y/N, what the fuck, you're making it out as if i'm mentally disabled!" He raised his voice at you.

"Now i wouldn't say mentally disabled, but you're letting the fame get to your head Luke!" You snapped back at him. "You're not the adorable, dorky, awkward boy i fell in love with anymore. Now you're just some arse that treats me like shit and you're so caught up your fame that you don't even realise how much you've been changing lately!" You were now yelling at him trying to get your point across. He stared at you for a minute, his face deadly straight.

"Fuck," he muttered. "Y/N... i..." He stuttered a little as he tried to find the right words to say. "Fuck me, i am so sorry." He pleaded before rushing to you and hugging you tightly. You sighed in relief as you wrapped your arms around his torso, hugging him back. You relaxed in his arms, happy with the fact the old Luke was starting to come back. "You're right. I'm going to take a week or two off, i'm going to spend all of it with you. No music, no writing, no recording, nothing. Just you and me, i promise." He muttered into your hair as he held you close.

"Baby, it's okay. I'm proud of you. I love you."

"I love you too Y/N. so much."


homg, its been so long since i updated. don't hate me.

sorry if theres a ton of mistakes, its 2am and i haven't read over it, but i really need to update so here.

don't forget to #vote5sos

Mmkay bye

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