You Break Up || c.h.

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l"Calum you were all over her!" You yelled.

"No i wasn't, jesus Y/N!" He yelled back. "She was an old friend i haven't seen for years!" He yelled again. You simply stood there shaking your head. You weren't one to cry but it hurt to know after 3 years of hell with this boy, he had actually cheated on you. You thought you knew him better but apparently not.

"Old friends don't fucking make out in the middle of a club Calum!" You screamed, feeling the tears forming in your eyes. You took a deep breath and looked up attempting to stop the tears from falling but it wasn't working. "You're my boyfriend not hers!" A few tears slipped and you quickly turned away from Calum not wanting him to see you cry. You sobbed a little into you hands before composing yourself after a minute or so and turning back around. "Let me say that again." You chocked as you looked at him. He didn't even care. "You were my boyfriend," You sighed as the anger seethed from his face. "Past tense." You felt the tears coming back but this time you managed to stop them from falling.

"No," He shook his head taking a few steps towards you. You nodded, also taking a couple of steps towards him. Eventually you met in the middle. You stood on your tiptoes and rested your hands on his cheeks. You gently pulled him towards you and kissed him softly.

"I love you." You sighed as you pulled away. "But i can't stay." You watched as his eyes flickered open, tears clear in his eyes. You kissed his cheek before placing your feet back on the ground.

"Please Y/N..." His voice broke a little, but it was too late, you neared the door before pulling it open. You turned around to see he was now freely letting the tears fall down his face.

You frowned. "Its okay Calum. Just remember I love you." You sighed a little as he rushed towards you. He immediately wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into a tight hug.

"Don't leave me. I love you so much." He cried as he held onto you tightly. You felt your resistance slowly breaking but you knew you had to leave. It was for the best.

"I'm sorry." You whispered in his ear before pulling away from him. You sent him a small smile before turning and walking out the apartment that was no longer shared between you two.

"I'm sorry." He whispered but you simply closed the door.


((its been like a month, i'm sorryyyy))

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