Deffensive || l.h.

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You and Luke had decided that you wanted to go out tonight. Luke was your best friend and the both of you hadn't been out in a while.

So there you were sat in a dingy, sweaty club whilst Luke got your drinks. You felt a little uncomfortable sat alone surrounded by so many drunk dancing stranger, so you attempted to keep your distance.

You sighed in relief as you felt someones presence beside to you, in hope it was Luke you turned to face them.

"Hey babe." Your eyes widened slightly as you saw it wasn't Luke. "You're here alone?" He smirked.

You tried not to gag over the overly drunk guy but it was proving difficult. "No. I'm waiting for my... boyfriend." Hoping he would get up and leave at the mention of your boyfriend, but he didn't.

"Aw, and he left you all alone?" He leaned in close, whispering in your ear. You flinched slightly as he rested his hand on your upper thigh. You sucked in a sharp breath and slapped his hand away.

"Look, can you leave please?" You snapped, growing uncomfortable and frustrated by him. But he didn't leave, instead he clasped onto you wrist and pushed you back against the seat.

"You should have just let me get what i wanted, bitch." He snapped back, the smell of alcohol clear in his breath.

"Just s-stop." You pleaded, your wrists bound to be left with bruises due to his tight grip. He started leaving sloppy kisses down your neck slowly edging to your chest, you started kicking your legs and tightened your eyes shut as you tried pushing him off you.

"Stop squirming, you're not going anywhere." He chuckled, kissing along your collarbones. You shook your head vigorously as tears filled your eyes. "Your boyfriends not even here, stop resisting." He moved one of your arms over to the other, gripping both your arms above your head with one hand.

You whimpered as he leaned down and sloppily kissed you as his free hand moved to your breast. You shut your eyes tightly and tears fell.

"What the fuck?" You heard Luke's voice, and soon enough the guy was pulled from you. You gasped and quickly ran to Luke, hiding behind him, crying into his back.

"So you're the boyfriend are you?" The guy laughed a little.

"Yeah, and if you even so as think about her again I will kill you." Luke spat at him, wrapping an arm around you from behind.

"Whatever." The guy rolled his eyes. "But can you really blame me? she's hot as fuck." He laughed but before he could say anything else, Luke's fist was connecting with his nose and the guy was stumbling backwards.

"Luke!" You squealed a little as you saw blood falling from the guys nose. A few sobers helped the guy, trying to get him standing steadily.

You tugged on Luke's arm, quickly pulling him out of the club before anything else happened.

You called a taxi and you both waited for it in complete silence. Luke made no gesture other than wrapping his jacket around you when you attempted to keep warm.

Once the taxi came you sat in silence all the way back to your apartment. You paid for the taxi as you reached your apartment, climbing out the car with Luke following behind. Once you both got inside your apartment, you turned to face Luke who was still looked beyond angry. You'd never seen him like this before and it scared you just a little. He was always the one to 'use his words' in an argument, not punch them in the face.

You walked over to him, placing your hands on either side of his face. "Luke look at me." You whispered, lifting his head so his eyes forcefully met yours. His usual bright blue eyes had now darkened. "Luke, it's okay." You stroked his cheeks with the back of your thumb.

"Did he hurt you?" He took a deep breath, gritting his teeth together. You shook your head weakly, trying not to show him that you were hurt. "Y/N." He warned as you sighed and dropped your head.

"It's okay really, it's not that bad." You pleaded.

"Y/N, show me." He snapped and you nodded, not bothering to argue with him.

You slowly pulled up the sleeves of Luke's jacket he gave to you earlier, revealing the slowly forming bruises on your wrists. You then proceeded in sliding his jacket off, showing the marks running down your neck and the few left along your collarbones.

"I'm going to kill him!" Luke yelled, clenching his hands into fists as he walked back to the front door.

You immediately ran after him, tugging on his arm pulling him back so he was facing you. He glanced down at you seeing the marks again and shut his eyes tightly. "Jesus I'm sorry." He whispered.

You shook your head and grabbed his t-shirt, pulling him down to your height before kissing him. "Y/N.." He gasped lightly as you pulled back from the kiss.

"Luke, I'm okay." You smiled weakly as he cupped your face and kissed you again.

"No you're not, you don't have to lie to yourself, or me." He sighed. "Baby, I'm your.. best friend. I know yo-"

"You clearly don't know me well enough, Lucas." You smiled a little as he frowned. "Because I'm so in love with you." You bit your lip nervously before leaning up and quietening the silence that fell between you by kissing him once more.

"I love you too, Y/N." He whispered breathlessly as he pulled back. "But I will kill that guy if he even comes near you." Luke smirked lightly, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"You're cute." You sighed with a smile.

"Shut up." Luke grinned, leaning down and kissing you again.


(*gagging noises* i hated this)

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