Loss || m.c.

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"How can you sit here and act like nothing happened?" Michael towered over you as you sat still.

You didn't want to move, or breathe, or live in that moment. But you couldn't do that, so you sat silently.

"Y/N, this is serious, you can't just sit here and not talk to me," He pleaded, kneeling down and resting his hand reassuringly on your thigh.

You shook your head as you felt tears welling up in your eyes, you told yourself not to cry but it was hard not to at this point.

"I'm hurting too, sweetheart." Michaels voice cracked as you looked up at him, seeing tears in his eyes too. "She- she was my baby girl too." A tear slipped from his eye, not bothering to wipe it away as his focus was on you.

You hadn't realised how selfish you had been, of course it was going to effect both of you, its Michaels baby too.

You shook your head as your face scrunched up, tears slipping from your eyes.

"Babe," Michael whispered. He moved to the sofa beside you, wrapping his arms tightly around you.

You turned so your head was resting on his chest and moved your legs so they were laying over Michaels.

"I'm so sorry," You choked out as more tears fell, you clutched onto his shirt as you tried to make them stop but nothing was working.

"Don't apologise, its not your fault." Michael's voice was weak but you could tell he was trying to keep himself together for your sake.

You nodded as he shook his head. "No its not your fault, I promise." He repeated, kissing your forehead lightly.

You didn't speak again, instead your lifted your head and kissed him, tears still streaming down your face, whimpers still escaping your mouth, makeup still smudged on your face. But you kissed him, and it may not have fixed things, but at least you knew he still loved you when he kissed you back.


brb lemme go cry bc Michael.

wtf guys its just me, why you be giving me a heart attack with 50k.

i can't.

tysm i love you🌻

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