Childish || l.h.

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You had been cramming for the entire week for your English Literature and Psychology exams that took place tomorrow. They were your last exams before you finished for good and you couldn't more excited for the aftermath, but you had to get through the total three hours and fifteen minutes of silence and hand cramping and head wracking first.

Now you found yourself the day before ready over all your notes made over the week and highlighting your key points and facts that you needed to remember. You were confident that you had it all memorised but still found yourself reading the papers over and over again.

Your head was pulsing painfully, your back aching terribly and you generally felt extremely tired and run down. The last thing your body needed right now was for you to be forcing every inch of information into your brain.

You were stressed out, you just couldn't fail these exams, it was important for your future that you aced your subjects. It was all a little too much for you to handle mentally but you just kept telling yourself that it was one more day till the finish.

"Babe, did you move the towels again?" Luke barged into your room, slamming the door open, causing you to jump back slightly, distracting you from your work.

"Your towels in the wash." You muttered, aggravated by his rude entrance whilst you were trying to concentrate.

"Whatcha doin'?" Luke wore a childish grin on his face as he paced back and forth through your room, inconsiderately whistling away to whatever dumb tune was stuck in his head.

"Studying." You deadpanned, trying to ignore the fact Luke was being possibly the biggest distraction to you right now.

"Hm, cool," He said absentmindedly. "I finally figured out a possible verse for that song Cal and I were working on. Wanna hear it?" He turned to face you, an excited grin playing on his lips. You aggressively stared him down hoping he'd get your gist and leave you alone.

But this was Luke. "Go show Calum." You waved him off, picking back up your pen to return to your work.

"I already did!" He whined childishly. You ignored him, hoping he'd leave if you stopped replying to him, but you were taken back when you felt a pillow hitting into your face.

You gasped and stared at Luke who wore a small pout on his lips, you frowned and threw the pillow back at him harder.

"Stop!" You whined, pouting yourself as you were just growing irritated by Luke. You needed to finish your cram session or there was no way you would remember this stuff tomorrow.

Luke walked to the side of your bed and flipped the cover of your notebook, causing it to fold closed. You groaned and opened back up your notebook trying to find the right page again. You reached foreword for your highlighter, after a moment of rummaging you were unable to find it. Frowning you glanced up to see Luke was holding all three highlighters above his head.

You rolled your eyes at his overly childish behaviour. "Luke, stop it!" You whined, standing yourself up on your bed and jumping a little to grab the highlighters from his grip. "Go away." You pouted, sitting yourself back down and highlighting the point you noted down before.

You eased back into your studying, not bothering with Luke's presence anymore because he wasn't making any noise or stealing your stuff.

Until you felt Luke's arm wrap around your waist, pulling you up and away from your work ridden bed. You released a squeal and tried to pry his arms from you but you proved to be too weak in this case.

"Luke, just stop!" You raised your voice, finally getting angry with Luke's actions but he continued to carry you.

"You need to take a break." He carried you into the room next door which happened to be his mini studio. You huffed when he sat you back on your feet allowing you to immediately hit his upper arm.

"I have two finals tomorrow Luke!" You raised your voice, anger taking over you.

"Y/N, you've been studying all week yo-"

"Well I can't afford to just sit around and do fuck all! What I'm doing actually matters and will matter in these next few years, Luke." You folded your arms across your chest, annoyed with Luke's behaviour towards something so important to you.

"I just thought you'd done enough this week. You need to take some breaks, babe-"

"Well I haven't got time right now for a break, Luke. I'm sorry but can you just stop being a fucking child for one night and let me get some work done?" Luke's smile had completely faded at this point but you were too angry to care.

You took Luke's silence as his answer and thanked him before leaving the room to return to what actually mattered.



ahahahahaha i need to stop w the cliffhangers i just got really bored ahahahaha sorry

i know i haven't done a michael imagine in god knows how long but i'm in the progress of writing one rn i just need to bother finishing it

i didn't read this over don't hate me pls

( omg also !! thank you so so so much for 80k thats actually the most amazing thing that ever happened to my lil wattpad life !! i'm so grateful that y'all read these imagines bc i know a lot of them suck but hey ! i love you bbies !!!! thank you again !! )

part 2 bc y/n 's a bitch and needs to come to her senses bc luke is being a beautiful, caring boyfriend with every right in the world to be angry at her??????

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