First || m.c.

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You were lounging around your apartment in your sweats and oversized green day shirt, watching The Office re-runs. It was your favourite show, and you've probably watched every episode like 10 times.

The sound of your stomach grumbling caused you to jump from the comfort of your couch. You practically ran to your kitchen, searching the fridge and every other cupboard available for food.

Once you had come to the conclusion that you needed to go shopping, you decided ordering pizza was the better option.

You didn't bother getting changed seeing as it was like, 11pm and you really didn't care if someone saw you like this.

You grabbed your house keys and your phone before locking up and heading out. You walked for a couple minutes before arriving at your local takeout pizza place. You smiled, inhaling the smell of pizza as you walked inside and up to the front desk.

"Y/N! Nice to see you again." The short old man who run the pizza place, greeted you.

"Hey Pete." You smiled back yet before you could give him your order, he cut you off.

"You want a large margarita pizza with a side order of potato wedges, cookie dough, and a bottle of coke, right?" He laughed halfheartedly as you blushed and nodded.

"Thats it, yeah." You smiled and handed him the money before he walked off into the back leaving you alone.

"That's all for you?" You turned to see an extremely ruggedly handsome guy, about your age, sat on the ledge by the window. He worked his bright green hair, and wore black vans, black ripped jeans and a green day shirt.

You smiled at his choice of shirting.

"Uh, maybe." You stuttered, now feeling slightly embarrassed that this cute guy now knows how alone you are on a Saturday night and how regularly you eat here.

"Awesome." He smiled brightly at you, causing you to furrow your eyebrows at him.

"Not exactly the response I was expecting.." You muttered, half expecting him to call you out on your bad eating habits.

"I think its cute that you eat so much. Most girls would hide behind salad to impress a guy, and its like... Why not have a whole damn large pizza to yourself. I don't care." He smiled at you, which you returned. "And I like your shirt." He added quickly.

"I like you." You smiled with a slight blush. "And your shirt."


michael love me and my shirt pls

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