Tour || l.h.

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Luke left for the Take Me Home tour exactly 4 months and 23 days ago. You'd be counting.

He still had another 2 months before he could come home and you honestly missed him a ridiculous amount.

You found it difficult adjusting to sleeping alone as well as in general being alone.

You would FaceTime him every moment you got the chance to, and he would phone you every night when you couldn't sleep. But it was getting less and less frequent due to time zones.

You were currently curled up in Luke's flannel in bed watching Breakfast At Tiffany's for the millionth time. You were eating more ice cream than you thought was physically possible, but you didn't stop.

You choked on a sob as you yelled at Holly for not telling Paul that she loved him.

"You know what's wrong with you, Miss Whoever-you-are? You're chicken, you've got no guts. You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, 'Okay, life's a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness.' You call yourself a free spirit, a "wild thing", and you're terrified somebody's gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you're already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it's not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. It's wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself." You sobbed as you recited Paul's speech to Holly, feeling absolutely stupid for knowing it off by heart.

"That was pathetic." You sobbed even harder just as you heard the little FaceTime ring tone. You tried to wiped under your eyes with the sleeves of his flannel before grabbing your phone and answering the call.

"Babe, i miss you." Luke wined as soon as your phone connected.

You put on a smile when his face popped up on your screen, wearing no shirt and only his sweats, along with his hair damp and flat. You wanted to hit him for looking so good when facetiming.

"I miss you more," You smiled weakly as you felt tears brimming your eyes again.

You blinked back the tears and instead looked up to see your movie was still rolling.

"What're you watching?" He questioned.

"Breakfast At Tiffany's." You spoke quietly, watching as Holly got out the cab to look for Cat.

He groaned in response making you laugh just a little. "Y/N, stop watching that. You know it makes you cry every time." He shook his head at you, knowing that he hated seeing you cry but you just couldn't help yourself, you really loved this film.

"Shut up and watch it with me." You heard him laugh and little before agreeing.

You switched the camera around so he could watch the movie with you. You sat looking at him as he watched the movie, but when it got to the point in the movie were Holly finds Cat in the alleyway, you couldn't control a few tears that slipped from your eyes.

"Baby, I can hear you crying, please switch it off." He sighed with a frown but you only shook your head.

"No, I'm fine Luke." You reassured him, just as Holly was running towards Paul.

You let out a small whimper as more tears rolled down your face. You felt your heart ache as Holly kissed Paul because you knew you couldn't do that with your own boyfriend.

"Y/N. It's finished, switch it off or I'm going to cry." He pleaded.

You hid your face by pulling the sleeves of Luke's flannel over your hands and covering your face before switching the movie off.

"Sweetheart, are you crying?" His voice was soft as you shook your head. You switched you camera back round, not letting him see you face. "Y/N." You slowly nodded as you released a small whimper.

"I miss you." You wined, as you hiccuped, holding back tears that threatened to fall again. You felt pathetic.

"I miss you too," He sighed. "But I need to talk to you about something." His voice was deeper than usual and you felt your heart sink.

Your mind flooded with the worst of possibilities. Did he cheat? Was he seeing someone else? Someone better? Was he breaking up with you?

You attempted not to cry and nodded your head, signalling for him to continue.

"Louis has had family problems so they're cancelling the rest of the tour," He blurted out. You sat still, confused to what he was saying. "I'll be home by tomorrow afternoon." He released a big smile as your eyes lit up.

"Are you serious?" You sat shocked as a small smile began to form on your lips.

"Of course I'm serious! We're leaving later today." He laughed a little as you squealed. "I was gonna surprise you but you looked so sad, I couldn't not tell you."

"Jesus christ Luke!" You shouted, a grin appearing on your face.

"I love you, i'll see you tomorrow." Luke smiled.

"I love you too, fuck."


heh Luke you make my heart hurt.

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