He Gets Jealous Of Another Member || c.h.

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"Luke stop!" You squealed as you ran away from him but he only ignored your pleas and continued to chase you.

"You ruined my hair, you deserve this!" He whined, catching up to you.

It was true, you may have gotten a bucket of water and tipped over his head whilst he wasn't looking. And now for your payback he's trying to get you thrown into the pool.

"Sorry not sorry." You laughed loudly as he wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up, carrying you bridal style. You felt a little awkward seeing as you were wearing a bikini and Luke was only in his trunks. But nonetheless you continued to squirm, trying to get away from him.

"You're going to pay." He laughed as he began walking towards the pool. Thats when you caught a glimpse of Cal and Ash at the side of the pool.

"Cal! Ash!" You released a squeal as Luke pinched your sides. "Help me!" You pleaded with a laugh, trying to get out of Luke's grip.

"You messed up his hair Y/N, you totally deserve this." Ash giggled.

"Thanks." You groaned as Luke reached the side of the pool. "Please, I'm sorry I got your hair wet and messy." You pleaded with a small pout, battering your eyelashes for more of an effect. "I'm really sorry." You dragged out, as he sighed and placed you back on your feet.

"Next time, you're getting thrown in that pool." Luke teased making you laugh.

"I totally don't regret messing up your hair." You giggled but before you could run away, Luke shoved your shoulder causing you to fall back. "Cal-" Your cry for help was cut short as you hit the water. You quickly swam up to the surface, glaring at a laughing Luke. "Asshole." You muttered before climbing out of the pool. You shoved Luke playfully before walking away from him and over to where Ash was sitting, noting Calum had left. "Where'd Cal go?" You questioned but Ashton only shrugged.

"He ran off somewhere just now." He replied as he looked up at you from under his sunglasses. "He looked a little upset though, maybe you should go talk to him." He shrugged.

You sighed before you began walking back into the house to find Cal. As you reached the house, you went into the kitchen, but only found Michael.

"Hey Mike, have you seen Calum?" You asked as Michael turned to face you with a mouthful of crips. He nodded in reply and pointed to the stairs. "Thanks." You muttered before walking upstairs.

You heard various curse words being shouted from your bedroom and decided to check in there. You slowly opened the door, dodging a pillow that was thrown in your direction, managing to miss you by an inch. "Woah, Cal. Whats up?" You questioned, closing the door behind yourself and walking over to where Calum was sitting on the bed.

"Nothings wrong." He sighed.

"You almost took my head off with a pillow," You released a chaste laugh. "Something wrong." Calum rolled his eyes and shuffled away from you.

"Just go away, Y/N." He muttered. "You were having more fun with Luke anyway."

Then things seemed to click. He was jealous.

You rolled your eyes this time, fed up with Calum getting ridiculously jealous over any guy that so as talked to you. "You were jealous of your girlfriend and your best friend?" You furrowed your eyebrows together when he stayed silent. "Calum thats so stupid!" You were frustrated with him now.

"How is it stupid, Y/N? You were all over him!" His voice raised as he finally looked up at you.

You just glared at him, angry that this was something you were arguing about again. "I can't believe you'd think I'd even consider leaving you for Luke." You mumbled, not bothering to argue back. Calum's face softened a little with your words but you didn't care.

"He's the lead singer, he could have you if he wanted." Calum voice was quiet but you only shook your head.

"And your the bassist! I happen to really love that about you. I couldn't care less that Luke's the lead singer." You frowned, now upset that he's so insecure about this. "Besides, Luke wouldn't dare make a move on me, he knows I love you too much."

Calum shrugged. "I just don't like him being all over you."

You smiled, reaching over and holding onto Calum's hand. "You're my boyfriend, you could have me right now if you really wanted to." You kept your voice hushed, watching as Calum's head shot up. Calum stayed quiet, glancing over you as it was now coming to his attention that you were sat in your bikini.

You released a giggle when you saw the look on Calum's face. "Exactly. You don't need to worry about anybody else. I'm all yours, Cal." Calum's entire demeanour changed, his frown turning into a playful smirk as he pushed you back onto the bed and hovered over you, immediately attaching his lips to yours.

He mumbled, pulling back to take all of you in. "All mine."


ew gotta lil sexual at the end there

sorry for not updating in aaaaggessssssss.

i wrote this rn, at 4am, so i'm so sorry if its terrible.

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