Concert || a.i.

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You walked into the near empty room, scanning your surroundings you focused on the dimly lit stage where your favourite band would be performing in a matter of hours. You contained your excitement as you made your way to the front where a couple other fans waited like yourself. You were extremely excited, you'd be waiting in line since this morning to get close enough to the stage. You sighed, resting your elbows on the barricade in front of you, preparing yourself for your long wait.

After about half an hour or so the floor space began to pile up, your eye catching a guy standing right beside you. You turned to face him noticing he was already smiling down at you. You couldn't deny that he was cute. His messy blonde hair was tied down under a red bandanna, and even with the dim lighting you still managed to notice his beautifully hazel eyes. He had huge dimples indenting his cheeks as he smiled at you, in a way you found it slightly disturbing that a complete stranger was smiling so widely at you. You awkwardly smiled back as he inched closer to you.

"Not to be judgemental or think stereotypically but you don't really look like the type of person thats into The 1975." His eyebrows furrowed together slightly.

"Well that was pretty judgemental and stereotyping actually." You retorted as he held his hands up in defence. "They're one of my favourite bands." You smiled a little, getting more and more eager for their performance.

"Prove it." He smirked but you only

"Are you serious? I arrived at 6am just to get a front row experience and you're asking me to prove to you, a perfect stranger, that they're my favourite band?" You laughed drily as he smiled simply.

"5am." He leaned up against the barricade and looked over at you intriguingly. "And you seem pretty cool, I just wanted to make sure you're not a fake fan trying to hit on a cute guy." He trailed off, not removing the smirk from his face for the entire time he spoke.

"Okay, wow there are so many things wrong with what you just said." You snorted lightly, releasing a small smile.

The boy laughed along before quickly changing topics. "I didn't catch your name?" He questioned.

"Y/N, Y/L/N." You replied. "And you?" You smiled politely.

"Ashton Irwin. You're really pretty." You furrowed your eyebrows together, unamused with his immediate observation.

"Its a little shallow to acknowledge somebodies looks above everything else, don't you think?" You looked away from him, staring at the small stage in front of you, wishing time would speed itself up.

"Yeah, you're right." Ashton nodded, copying your actions. "But I wasn't putting the fact that you're pretty above everything else. You're beautiful and I wanted to let you know." You smiled at his snide attempt of sweet talking you.

You rocked back and forth on your heels, anxious for them to come on stage now so you're conversation with Ashton would end and you could finally see your favourite band live.

"I like you, Y/N." He smiled, looking over at you discretely although you caught him from the corner of your eye.

"I think you already made that kind of obvious." You laughed softly before turning to face him, his cheeks flushing a pinky shade. "But you're seem okay, Irwie." You smiled smugly at him with your new found nickname.

"I'm ignoring the fact that you just called me that, and focusing on the fact you sort-of-just-said you like me too." He smirked as you laughed half heartedly.

"Whatever, Ashton." You shook your head laughing as you turned away from him again.

"Well great. I'll take that as a yes." He nudged your shoulder lightly. "So maybe you'd want to come on a date with me sometime soon?" He bit down his lip as your head quickly shot to face him.

You were slightly taken back by his forwardness but decided that maybe thats what you needed. You nodded with a smile and nudge his shoulder back. "I think I'd like that."


Its 2am and its been like 76 years since i updated and i'm sorry don't hate me.

I haven't read this over sorry

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