Beach || l.h.

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(((listen to Coming Over - James Hersey (Filous Remix) if you want the full effect of this imagine)))

You watched your boyfriend as he ran across the beach carrying the football along with his feet with an angry Calum chasing after him. You smiled, shaking your head in amusement as Luke squealed and ran away from the ball as Calum cursed at him.

"Luke! The aim of football is to keep the ball not to run away from it!" You laughed as Luke ran over to you, quickly he reached you with the beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. His panting breath fell against your face as he crouched down - straddling you if he wasn't hovering - his nose near touching yours with the enclosed distance he'd put you in.

He tilted his chin forward and kissed your lips for a couple seconds before pulling back and taking in your features. "Come help my whoop Calum's ass at football, please," His mouthed stretched into a wide toothy smile as you pursed your lips.

"I don't know," You furrowed your eyebrows together.

"Babe he's like professional and stuff-" Luke stared at you with the most precious of looks on his face, obviously annoyed at Calum for being better at him at something. "-he has a huge ass advantage and you have a huge ass so technically-"

"Ew, I hate you." You crunched up your nose whilst Luke laughed at you.

"Playing or not Y/L/N?" You looked over Luke's shoulder to where Calum stood beside Ashton, the ball held under his arm whilst he awaited your answer.

You returned to Luke's focus before speaking. "I'll play on one condition." You smiled devilishly as you watched the innocent boy shuffle his feet - making him look a lot like a little baby crab - as his crouched position was becoming uncomfortable.

"Anything." His eyes were pleading.

"Your shirt has to come off." You crossed your arms over your chest as you sat up, watching his face turn pale.

"Babe you wouldn't make me-"

"Oh really?" You raised an eyebrow at the worried boy and quickly shook your head. "I'd never make you. But I want you to." His face softened a little as you reached out and held his hand. "Your beautiful Lucas. Body and all."

His smile began to reappear onto his face as he stared into your eyes. "I love you." He kissed your nose before standing himself upright and pulling his shirt over his head.

You smiled at the beautiful boy stood in front of you in nothing but his shorts. You couldn't help but feel undeniably lucky.

Luke stuck his hand out for you to take, pulling you up to, just below, his level. "Let's crush them." You whispered to Luke before striding over to where Calum and Ashton stood. You glanced over your shoulder to see Luke watching over you with an amused smirk on his face.

"Alright let's play, Hood." You saw Calum's expression quickly change to a competitive smirk.

"Ash and Luke in goal, Y/N and I, one on one." He cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow at you, as you rolled your eyes.

"Sounds great." You watched both Luke and Ash fall back to their separate goals.

"I don't think you're ready for what I've got, Y/N." He wiggled his eyebrows, dropping the ball between the two of you.

"You suck at smack talk Calum."

You heard Luke call for Michael to ref the game and he appeared from his, attempt of, sunbathing - the boy was just too pale, he was pale for life now, he would have to accept it sooner or later.

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