‼️Please Read‼️

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Alright, so this is happening OvO

First things first, I would like to thank whoever reads this. I'm not really used to sharing my writing with people, so this is going to be new for me, and I would like to express my gratitude towards anybody who likes/reads my stories :)

Second, (this is important) please bear with my trash updating schedule. Honestly, I update when I feel like it, and I try to do it every week, but sometimes it's every OTHER week, or every OTHER OTHER week. My first handful of fanfics will probably be pushed out very quickly (hopefully) or very frequent, but that's because I already have quite a few fics planned out and written in this notebook I have. I write a one shot once a week, and it usually takes me about two days, since I stop when I think I've done about half of the work.

Third, please be respectful. I know that not everyone shares my views on ships, and that some may ship other people with other people, but please just be nice T-T Also, please don't argue or be mean or anything in the comment section (if anybody is going to use it anyway).

Fourth, my one shots will either be fluff or angst, no smut (sorry to the people who like that kind of stuff). I've never tried to write smut and I don't plan to, so if you're looking for that content, sorry but you're gonna have to search elsewhere.

Fifth, I'm not taking any requests at the moment, but that may change in the future (?).

Sixth, some of my ideas will be reused and put into different ships. I'm not saying the stories will be the exact same, but the main theme of the fic will be extremely similar (for example, I have an EnnoTana and a MastuHana fic that both have a plot line revolving around love letters).

Alright so that's basically all I have to say-
Hope you enjoy 😅

Haikyuu Ship One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now