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-3rd P.O.V-

Ennoshita sat on the couch, facing Tanaka. His hands were folded in his lap. He wouldn't meet his partner's gaze.

Silence had settled around them. Neither wanted to speak. They already knew what was coming.

Their relationship wasn't working out. What started as a loving and happy situation turned stale. They tried to make things work. Schedules were adjusted, plans were made, talks were had, but nothing changed.

It was Ennoshita who spoke first. "Ryu, I have to say something. We both knew this was inevitable. I'm sorry, but we can't keep doing this." He paused, taking a deep breath. "We have to break up."

Though he knew what he was going to say, Tanaka still took the words like they were knives through his heart. Of course he knew that things weren't great between them, but he believed they could fix them. He didn't want to lose his boyfriend.

"Chikara, please," he pleaded. "Please don't do this. Let's talk about this!"

"We have talked. Talking hasn't worked before, it won't now. It's not fair to either of us."

"Well then, let's try again. Let's try talking again, and see where it gets us." He sat up and moved next to where Ennoshita was sitting. He took his hands into his own. "Look, I know things have been... sour. I'm not that much of an idiot. I... I can't lose you. There's still love between us, I know it. We just- have to reignite it."

The other pulled himself away. "It's not possible, Ryu. You know it isn't. We've tried and tried again, but it's not working. We have to end this. There's- there's no more love."

Tanaka felt his heart sink. Desperate, he continued, "Yes there is! I still love you! We've been through so much together, ever since high school. Please, just one more chance."

"Time doesn't matter anymore. We're distant. There's nothing we can do about it. I can't give you anymore chances, and you shouldn't give me anymore either."

"You're my world, Chikara! Please!"


"Please, I know what's happening to us. Our careers and personal lives are clashing, and our relationship is suffering from the damage. But it's nothing we can't deal with. We're Chikara and Ryuunosuke! We can work through this."

Ennoshita didn't say anything. He wouldn't look at Tanaka, who couldn't read his expression.

After a moment that seemed much longer than it really was, he asked him one question. "When's my birthday?"

Tanaka blinked. "What?" The question confused him. Ennoshita repeated the question.

As Tanaka opened his mouth to answer, no words came out. He racked his brain, trying to remember. Why didn't he know this? He's definitely been told it before, just... when..?

Ennoshita clenched his fists and sighed. "This is exactly what I'm talking about. We're distant. You don't even remember my birthday. You can't tell me you love me, Ryu. I know it's a lie. And I'm sorry that I have to do this, but there's no way that this will be able to work out. Please, just, don't try to resist it."

Tanaka's mind raced. What could he do? What could he say to make him stay? He should know what to say. Why doesn't he know what to say?

He didn't want to face the reality. His internal panic was just evidence to be used against him. If they really did have a shot at fixing what they had, it shouldn't be as hard as it was to stay with each other.

"I'm going to be staying with Kazuhito and Hisashi," announced Ennoshita. "I've already packed my things and spoken to the landlord. I'll be getting out of your hair now- or, um, your buzzcut, I guess."

Somewhere in his mind, Tanaka knew that it was pointless to try and stop the other from leaving. He had made up his mind. He left the room but came back a few seconds later, a suitcase in hand and a backpack slung over his shoulder.

As he opened the door, he looked back at his now-ex-boyfriend, making eye-contact for the first time that night.

"My birthday is on December 26th."

And with that last message, he left.


I know this is late
Sue me, it's my book :T
My excuse this time: I was at a sleepover
Anyway already in a shitty mood so ✨angst✨
This is unedited btw, sorry for any mistakes

Word count: 743

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